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Debian favicon.icon

Erik Tews <erik.tews@gmx.net> explained to me what favicon.ico
is and where it is used.   Debian has none but it's requested
quite often:

grep favicon /var/log/apache/access.log|wc -l

In short, Erik also provided the swirl as favicon.ico.  I wonder
if and how we (I?) should add it to the website?  Add it to the
english directory with -kb and add a special rule to the makefile
so it gets copied with the install target?

Find the swirl at

And an example at

eeyes can display them.



What is favicon?

Favicon was invented by Microsoft in 1999.  Favicon is an abbreviation
of Favorite Icon (Bookmarks are called favorites apparently).  Primary
they should make your bookmark-collection look nicer.  The favicon
will apear next to the bookmark-name so that you can find a site by
looking at the images.  Favicon is supported by konquerer, too.

How does one create a favicon?

I suggest using kiconedit.  Just paint your icon there and save it.
Perhaps you can use GIMP first and then export the result into

Where should the favicon.ico file be placed?

The file should be reachable as <http://www.sld.tld/favicon.ico>.

Setting up specific icons for html documents

You can use favicons on a per-document basis.  In that case, the
header of your html-document should look like this:

  <title>Page with Favicon</title>
  <LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="/dir/meinicon.ico">
  page body

The Browser will then look for the icon at <http://www.sld.tld/dir/meinicon.ico>.

More information

Check out <http://www.favicon.de/> for more information.  German-only,

All language designers are arrogant.  Goes with the territory...
	-- Larry Wall

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