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Re: Translators! What's your charset?

On Tue, Oct 10, 2000 at 11:05:04PM +1100, Craig Small wrote:
> Charsets I have already are:
> Central Europe: iso-8859-2, cpl250
That's 1 (CP 1250).

Anyway, why do we need to support Microsoft's quasi-standards in searching
our web pages, which we don't use, I hope?

> The format is flexible:
> characters in their wierd form:

Lots of those look like ANSI art on a default font... 

>   "áâ÷çäå³öúéêëìíîïðòóôõæèãþûýÿùøüàñÁÂ×ÇÄÅ£ÖÚÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÒÓÔÕÆÈÃÞÛÝßÙØÜÀÑ"

Not sure if I understood this example... it sounds like ISO-8859-2 to me,
but it doesn't have ¹¾©®, that should be \271\251\276\256 in decimal.

> I will pass on these charsets to upstream to include in udmsearch
> proper.

Ah, that might be an answer to my questions above...

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