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Re: www.debian.org update?

On Thu, Jun 10, 1999 at 11:41:13AM +0200, peter karlsson wrote:
> Exactly at what time is www.debian.org updated from the cvs repository?
> Sometimes it seems as if it takes >48 hours for pages to get updated. Is
> there a mismatch between when the CVS repository is updated and when the
> HTML files are actually rebuilt?
The copy of the cvs repository on the master site is update daily right
after the daily dinstall run(*). A global make is then run and the pages
are then push mirrored.  This allows the information on the web and ftp
archive to be synced on the mirrors within about 2 hours (we used to
have awful synchronization problems).

Having the web update tied to the archive update means that mirroring
does not occur at a fixed time every day. The mirror to www.debian.org
tends to be done around 2130 UTC.

Unless a connection problem causes a mirror run to be missed, pages
should be updated within 24 hours. For mirrors that are using
the latest version of the rsync mirror scripts you can check
the time of the last update by looking in mirror/timestamps/<host>,
e.g. http://www.debian.org/mirror/timestamps/va.debian.org
Since you may not know the real name of the host, just look
at the dir listing from mirror/timestamps/ .

I have heard that va has been having connection problems lately.
The timestamp should only be updated after a mirror run finishes
successfully (the script uses set -e) so a recent timestamp
should be valid.

Jay Treacy

(*)dinstall is the program that updates the archive - installing new
packages and generating Packages files.

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