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Re: site design again

In message <[🔎] 352E1EC3.9EDA1C7F@gmx.net> you wrote:
>David Stern wrote:
>> One suggestion I have is to rotate the "What is Debian?" section with
>> others, to maintain variety and keep web surfers interest.  Some
>> potential substitues may include a select news story, particularlyone
>> which advocates Debian or gives the latest breaking news on release
>> information (dates, irc parties, ..), or honorable notice in industry
>> publications (to spread the gospel).  Another idea is to provide some
>> kind of "eye candy" or "lure" to draw attention on a featured package
>> or development issue (e.g., APT, DEC Alpha or Mk68 versions).  My
>> general idea being that debian should convey the image that it is a
>> leader and showcase it's talents, recognition, accolades more
>> prominently.
>I think this is a great idea. To get this thing working we would need
>someone who takes care of this section of the main page. Someone who
>decides what to publish, perhaps writes these things and others can
>adress when they have a story for the front page. Maybe you David?

Thanks, however I'm taking a "sort of" vacation for several months and 
will not have net access beginning tomorrow night.  Since I won't be 
around, feel free to use or adapt any ideas I've proposed.

I concur with your suggestion of having someone maintain and oversee 
this section.  If you don't get any volunteers from this mention, try 
posting a description of the position and duties including a job title 
(Feature Editor?) and I think you might get a few responses.

Hopefully I'll be back by Autumn.  If you haven't got anyone to work on 
Debian webpage features by then, maybe we can find out if I'm any good 
at it.

>BTW did you tell the guys on debian-publicity about your idea? Perhaps
>there is someone who wants to manage this or just help with it.

Good idea.  No, I didn't mention it on debian-publicity.  Of course, 
like your webpage design, it is probably best to model the plan a 
little more before submitting for review and consideration.

>It would be nice if this thing becomes reality soon.

It would be really nice if it became reality sometime close to the hamm 

Best wishes
David Stern                          

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