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Re: Web help...SLUG!

> Anyways, to the point...we are working on our web pages.  Two things I
> would like to add that I see Debian doing very well are:
> 1.  Automagic Mailing List Sub/Unsubcription page.
> 2.  Automagic posting of the mailing lists in that pretty format.
> The first is easy, just involves grabbing subscribe.pl (and cgi-lib.pl)
> from master and configuring it to serve our needs.  First off, I wanted to
> ask permission to do this.  Is it ok for me to grab it and use it?
Sure. I really should put a copyright notice on stuff I write...
BTW, the perl CGI module works almost the same. I've been meaning to switch the
scripts to use it (look at pgp.pl to see an example) as it will decrease the
chance of compatability problems across upgrades. If you need to modify the
script make sure you read up on perl security (tainting in particular) so
you don't open up your system. I played with this and was quite surprised how
easy it is to trick the scripts if they aren't written carefully.

> Secondly, the mailing list posting thing.  I would need someone who
> understands how it works to explain it to me and show me where to find (on
> master) the appropriate scripts or cron jobs or whatever it takes to get
> it working.  Does someone think they could "hook me up" with this second
> idea?
This was all done by Guy. As he isn't subscribed to debian-www (at least I
don't think so), you'll have to write him directly (maor@debian.org). Note
that he has been very busy lately.

- Jay

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