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Re: Help empower the Debian Outreach Program for Women

On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 02:44:48PM +0100, 'lesleyb' wrote:
> ... which kind of begs the question .. whois Tom Marble and why wasn't the info
> posted to this list?

Tom took over me for me in helping run Debian's OPW program this year,
Tom's a really friendly and helpful contributor (not a Debian Developer
yet) to the project, and this is his first year working with OPW

Seems like an oversight, and I'm sure it wasn't intentional, in fact,
last year (and even this year), I believe that #debian-women on oftc was
used to coordinate the program.

I'm CC'ing Tom & the OPW alias :)


 .''`.  Paul Tagliamonte <paultag@debian.org>  |   Proud Debian Developer
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 `-     http://people.debian.org/~paultag/conduct-statement.txt

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