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Re: OWNED: MikeeUSA's code in geekfeminism.org


2009/10/19 Miriam Ruiz <miriam@debian.org>

If you have ever been harassed by MikeeUSA and wanna have a laugh,
take a look at http://geekfeminism.org/2009/10/19/mikeeusas-code-now-available-on-geekfeminism-org/

A quote:
As Free Software developers, we honour the Four Software Freedoms, and gladly recognise Mikee’s right to run these programs, study and learn from them, redistribute copies, and even modify them — provided, of course, that attribution is given to the geekfeminism.org developers.

That's awesome :o)


"Change l'ordre du monde plutôt que tes désirs."

Membre de l'April - Promouvoir et défendre les logiciels libres/Promoting and defending the libre software

PhD Student
"Molecular Evolution and Bioinformatics"
Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU) of Munich

What happens when you've worked too long in the lab :
*You wonder what absolute alcohol tastes like with orange juice.
*Warning labels invoke curiosity rather than caution.
*The Christmas nightout reveals scientists can't dance, although a formula for the movement of hands and feet combined with beats per min is found scrawled on a napkin by a waiter the next day.
*When you have twins, you call one of them John and the other - Control.

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