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Re: Women's Linux Distro (could it become reality?)

On Sun, Sep 23, 2007 at 06:47:11PM -0700, senegal seventythree wrote:
> Could we make a Women's linux distro for and by Women?
> How long would it take and when could we start making
> it. We could base it on debian or ubuntu.
Debian is the universal operating system. Universal includes any
sentient being be they green, blue, martian or any being yet unknown and
any definition of gender. Although, you or anyone else are encoruaged to
create any derivitive of Debian you wish, as its part of its design. 
But the real question here is your intent. Are you trolling or really
asking for help with an endevor, if so, point us to the work you have
already done where people can contribute.
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