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Re: list statistics

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I'm not sure if I'm even a newcomer yet, but...

Helen Faulkner wrote:
> Does this mean that people are happy with the list having relatively
> few posts to it, and don't miss the vigorous discussions that we've
> had at times in the past?  (Personally I like most of the vigorous
> discussions, especially when they are productive in terms of
> achieving the goals of the DW projects.)

This is the first major discussion I've witnessed on this list, so I
don't have anything to miss. Looking back, there's been some interesting
discussions (and some hilarious trolls), but as I'm trying to figure out
how to keep up with -devel, I guess I don't mind the quiet for now.

> Is the Debian Women project meeting your needs?  How could it do so
> better?

So far, yes definitely, by providing what so far seems to be a suitably
low-RTFM environment (#d-w) where I can ask questions and observe
others going through the same learning process.

One can learn quite a lot of the technical and legal aspects of Debian
by reading, due to the wealth of available information, but the culture
and traditions need actual human beings to convey, in my experience.

> Do you think the Debian Women project is still helping to encourage
> more women to be involved in Debian?

It's enocouraging me, at least, but even though the existence of DW
makes me feel more included, I think of the project more as
debian-friendly, partly due to having found it after the Age of Trolls
was mostly over, and partly because, having worked with code for seven
years, male-dominated environments per se aren't intimidating anymore.

> Do you think it is still needed to encourage the involvement of
> women?

Statistically, yes. Personally, still largely yes. Culturally, I don't
know yet, but I trust the opinion of those who do.

- --
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)


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