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hi debian women list,

     my name's fabienne and i'm a francoamerican
living in paris, france.  i've been subscribed to the
list since i saw helen faulkner speak at FOSDEM (the
free and open source developers' european meeting in
brussels) about a month ago.  i work at ircam, a
french research institute for audio and acoustics
technology.  at work i design code destined for winxp
and mac os x but at home my towers run debian (a
homebrew debian mixed from knoppix with realtime
pre-emption and lots of audio hardware for
multichannel audio).

i'm one of the only women at ircam working in tech. 
among my geek friends we aren't very numerous either. 
i've been to security cons, open source cons, and
generally i get mis-introduced as someone's wife.

i haven't hung out on your irc chan because i'm
working some crazy hours [many w/out a net
connection!], but i do appreciate all the work the d-w
group has done in the last year to create something
positive for both women and men.  the lovely thing is
how diverse the representative countries are in the
debian project and i love how that is reflected in d-w
as well.  keep up the great work and i know that some
day i will have a couple of hours to dedicate to
helping out.

a bientot,

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