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Re: Website beta trial

Carla Schroder wrote:
> Hmmm... honestly, that makes me feel a bit queasy. I'm sure they're
> great guys, but I don't see the point. It's not like there's a
> shortage of platforms for men to get recognition in tech. And I don't
> quite see how it fits the goals of Debian-Women... ??  

IMHO I'd love to see a bunch of supporting, pro-equality men. I'm sure
there are many of them lurking here. Men that are not merely trying to
score, but legitimately interested in Debian being more women-friendly
than it is now (if it is at all). Men that can be seen as an example
(visibility) to both men and women, that Debian is not necessarily
hostile, but quite the opposite, populated by women that are inclusive
and supporting, and men too. And the reasons they give as to be in the
supporters page is what I find interesting. Because it's plural, from
the "other point of view". Because it will serve as an example to other
men, and that is something that needs a lot of work (Read my
troll^flame at debian-vote regarding this subject and you will see that
the more men we can get involved, the more acceptance we will get).

It's friday night, I'm a little bit drunk, tired from moving to my new
house, so please tell me if this makes any sense at all.

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