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To: whom it may concern.

To: whom it may concern.

Subject: Platform for the project.

Dear Madames/ Sirs.

I thought of the following idea of ​​developing an application for people who suffer from diseases that are accompanied by cognitive decline and conditions of dementia such as Alzheimer's:

As we know, the patients with diseases whose main characteristic is cognitive decline (such as Alzheimer's or other diseases in which there is a state of dementia) are gradually losing many abilities such as short-term memory or day-to-day functioning that is gradually deteriorating. The idea is to establish software, or a system that will be designed for people who are in this situation. The challenge is to gather in such a system all the software or systems that the person uses - and through a system of artificial intelligence the operating mechanism will become more and more simple to operate - according to the user's situation, preferences and needs.

The goal of the system is, of course, to allow people who are used to using a computer for various purposes and who are on the verge of dementia to not completely lose access to the systems they were used to using for many years of their lives - and thus to some extent improve their quality of life, which is already significantly damaged as a result of the symptoms of the disease itself.

So much for the idea itself.

Although this is an idea I thought about, I have nothing to do with dementia care in my personal life.

I would like to point out that in everything that concerns me personally, there are a number of things that need to be taken into account:

1)1 I am not a professional in the field of programming, nor a professional in the fields of brain research, cognition or neurology - and for this reason I cannot accompany such a project step by step.

This is an idea I thought about - and apart from providing the initial idea I will not be able to assist in any other phase of the project.

2)I live on a very low income - a disability allowance from the National Insurance Institute. Therefore, I have no ability to invest any budgets in realizing the idea. And what's more: due to the seriousness of my situation, even very high discounts simply won't help.

3)I live in the Kiryat Menachem neighborhood in Jerusalem, ISRAEL- and I don't have a car or a driver's license. Due to my health and financial situation, there is also no chance that I will be able to get a driver's license or buy a car in the future.

Therefore, my ability to come to consulting meetings in the offices of companies that are considerably far from my place of residence does not exist.

At this point I am unable to find a suitable internet platform from which to start such a project.

Therefore I would like to ask: do you have an idea as to the platform from which the project could be started?

Of course, necessary conditions of the system are the possibility of flexibility and making changes that will be based on insights on the fly, and also the possibility of sending orders and offering relevant parties to take part in the project.

best regards,

assaf benyamini,

115 Costa Rica Street,

Entrance A-flat 4,

Kiryat Menachem,


ISRAEL, zip code: 9662592.

my phone number: 972-58-6784040.

my fax number: 972-2-3819566.

post Scriptum. My e-mail addresses: 029547403@walla.co.il or: asb783a@gmail.com or: assaf197254@yahoo.co.il or: assaffff@protonmail.com or: ass.benyamini@yandex.com or: 1972assaf@mailfence.com

To: whom it may concern.

Subject: Invitation to the project.

Dear Madames/ Sirs.

I opened a Facebook page, where I am trying to start a project in the field of software aimed at improving the quality of life of those with dementia, and allowing patients access to computer systems even when their condition is getting worse.

I invite professionals from relevant fields to join in order to try and think of ways to promote such a project. And I mean professionals such as neurologists, researchers or experts in the field of cognition, experts in the treatment of Alzheimer's as well as professionals in the fields of programming or software development.

I also invite journalists, public relations people or people who are active on the issue at the public level in one way or another to join in order to try and think about how to promote the project and recruit additional partners who can help.

Best regards,

assaf benyamini.

post scriptum. 

1)The Facebook page of the project:

https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556783228662 ;

2) My phone number: 972-58-6784040.

3) Here is a message written by Israeli film director Tali Ohion on Facebook:


Tali Ohaion(her facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/tali.ohaion )

6 days

for a documentary she has been working on in recent years "Esther Cinema - from the White City to the Netflix generation",

In search of personal archives, photos of the atmosphere in Hamkin in the 1990s on Friday afternoons and in general, as well as of Dizengoff Square in the early 1980s, the children of the square, the "freaks" who used to gather in the square.

Please contact us privately or by phone 972-52-2846954.

4) The film director Tali Ohaion(her Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/tali.ohaion ) She photographed me at my home on Thursday, December 2, 2021, completely voluntarily, and as a token of appreciation for her help, I state the details of the company in question:

"Talia Inspiration" company (at: Mrs. Tali Ohion),

15 Yabatz Street,

Tel Aviv, 

ISRAEL, zip code: 6525814.

Phone number: 972-52-2846954.

E-mail address: talioh@013.net.il

 5)My Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100066013470424 ;

6)my first language is Hebrew(עברית).

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