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Bug#1067413: RFP: keydb -- persistent key-value database with network interface

On 2024-03-25 17:43:58, Guillem Jover wrote:
> Hi!
> On Fri, 2024-03-22 at 12:35:47 +0000, Chris Lamb wrote:
>> > I'm CCing Chris, who might perhaps be interested in replacing Redis with
>> > KeyDB as its spiritual successor and taking this on? Or if not, at least
>> > to perhaps potentially coordinate some kind of transition, even though
>> > we've had issues migrating persistent DBs from newer Redis to KeyDB, so
>> > that might be tricky or not feasible at all.
>> Thanks for including me here. I had not yet looked into potential
>> Redis replacements nor the exact and precise details of the new
>> license etc. and this activity around KeyDB feels like a good start.
>> I thought I'd let the dust settle for a bit before making any
>> decisions — perhaps the change even gets reversed (!), and no doubt
>> there might be new alternatives that will fork the code immediately
>> prior to the license change.
> Yeah, fair enough.
>> My personal and professional usage of Redis has dropped off in the
>> past few years, so it would make more sense for me to help out in a
>> team maintainership role, at least with respect to KeyDB.
> Ack.
>> However, I'd be interested in coordinating around some kind of
>> Redis→KeyDB/something transition if need be.
> For KeyDB, that would also depend on whether KeyDB adds Redis 7 support
> or not I guess.
>   https://github.com/Snapchat/KeyDB/issues/420
> and if that does not materialize, a potential migration path via:
>   https://github.com/Snapchat/KeyDB/issues/527#issuecomment-1370606311
> In our, case we migrated from Redis 6 to KeyDB, so the above did not
> really affect us.

After reading https://lwn.net/SubscriberLink/966631/4b4104ce85bf92f7/, i
have the feeling valkey is probably a better bet for a smooth
transition. I filed a RFP about it in https://bugs.debian.org/1068342


We know the road to freedom has always been stalked by death.
                        - Angela Davis

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