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Bug#1053782: RFP: node-vite -- Next Generation Frontend Tooling

On 10/11/23 10:30, Andrius Merkys wrote:
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org
Control: block 1042095 by -1

* Package name    : node-vite
   Version         : 4.4.11
   Upstream Author : Evan You
* URL             : https://github.com/vitejs/vite
* License         : Expat
   Programming Lang: JavaScript
   Description     : Next Generation Frontend Tooling

Vite is a frontend build tool, including development server and build command bundling code with Rollup, pre-configured to output optimized static assets for production.

Vite is needed to produce CSS and JS files for sphinx-press-theme.

An estimate of work needed to package Vite:

$ npm2deb depends vite
NPM                                               Debian
vite (4.4.11)                                     None
├─ esbuild (^0.18.10)                             None
├─ fsevents (~2.3.2)                              None
├─ postcss (^8.4.27)                              node-postcss (8.4.20+~cs8.0.23-1)
└─ rollup (^3.27.1)                               node-rollup (3.28.0-2)

Build dependencies:
NPM                                               Debian
@ampproject/remapping (^2.2.1) node-ampproject-remapping (2.2.0+~cs5.15.37-1)
@babel/parser (^7.22.7)                           None
@babel/types (^7.22.5)                            node-babel (6.26.0+repack-3~bpo10+1)
@jridgewell/trace-mapping (^0.3.18)               None
@rollup/plugin-alias (^4.0.4) node-rollup-plugin-alias (5.0.0~ds-1)
@rollup/plugin-commonjs (^25.0.3) node-rollup-plugin-commonjs (25.0.4+ds1-1)
@rollup/plugin-dynamic-import-vars (^2.0.4)       None
@rollup/plugin-json (^6.0.0) node-rollup-plugin-json (6.0.0+ds1-2)
@rollup/plugin-node-resolve (15.1.0) node-rollup-plugin-node-resolve (15.1.0+ds-1) @rollup/plugin-typescript (^11.1.2) node-rollup-plugin-typescript (11.1.2~ds+~1.0.1-1)
@rollup/pluginutils (^5.0.2) node-rollup-pluginutils (5.0.2~ds+~2.8.2-1)
@types/escape-html (^1.0.2)                       None
@types/pnpapi (^0.0.2)                            None
acorn (^8.10.0)                                   acorn (8.8.1+ds+~cs25.17.7-2)
acorn-walk (^8.2.0)                               None
cac (^6.7.14)                                     None
chokidar (^3.5.3)                                 node-chokidar (3.5.3-2)
connect (^3.7.0)                                  node-connect (3.7.0+~3.4.35-1)
connect-history-api-fallback (^2.0.0)             None
convert-source-map (^2.0.0) node-convert-source-map (1.9.0+~1.5.2-1)
cors (^2.8.5)                                     node-cors (2.8.5-1)
cross-spawn (^7.0.3)                              node-cross-spawn (5.1.0-2) debug (^4.3.4)                                    node-debug (4.3.4+~cs4.1.7-1)
dep-types (link:./src/types)                      None
dotenv (^16.3.1)                                  None
dotenv-expand (^9.0.0)                            None
es-module-lexer (^1.3.0)                          node-es-module-lexer (1.1.0+dfsg-2) escape-html (^1.0.3)                              node-escape-html (1.0.3+~1.0.2-2) estree-walker (^3.0.3)                            node-estree-walker (2.0.2-5)
etag (^1.8.1)                                     node-etag (1.8.1-3)
fast-glob (^3.3.1)                                None
http-proxy (^1.18.1)                              node-http-proxy (1.18.1-8) json-stable-stringify (^1.0.2) node-json-stable-stringify (1.0.2+repack1+~cs1.0.34-2)
launch-editor-middleware (^2.6.0)                 None
lightningcss (^1.21.5)                            None
magic-string (^0.30.2)                            node-magic-string (0.30.1-1) micromatch (^4.0.5)                               node-micromatch (4.0.5+~4.0.2-1)
mlly (^1.4.0)                                     None
mrmime (^1.0.1)                                   None
okie (^1.0.1)                                     None
open (^8.4.2)                                     node-open (8.4.0-6)
parse5 (^7.1.2)                                   node-parse5 (7.1.2+dfsg-2)
periscopic (^3.1.0)                               None
picocolors (^1.0.0)                               node-picocolors (1.0.0-4)
picomatch (^2.3.1)                                node-anymatch (3.1.3+~cs4.6.1-2)
postcss-import (^15.1.0)                          None
postcss-load-config (^4.0.1) node-postcss-load-config (2.1.2+~cs6.0.0-1)
postcss-modules (^6.0.0)                          node-postcss-modules (6.0.0+~cs5.1.3-2)
resolve.exports (^2.0.2)                          None
rollup-plugin-license (^3.0.1)                    None
sirv (^2.0.3)                                     None
source-map-support (^0.5.21) node-source-map-support (0.5.21+ds+~0.5.4-1)
strip-ansi (^7.1.0)                               node-strip-ansi (6.0.1-2)
strip-literal (^1.3.0)                            None
tsconfck (^2.1.2)                                 None
tslib (^2.6.1)                                    node-tslib (2.4.1-1)
types (link:./types)                              None
ufo (^1.2.0)                                      None
ws (^8.13.0)                                      node-ws (8.11.0+~cs13.7.3-1)

Warnings occurred:
  [warning] picomatch: Embedded in node-anymatch


Better view of dependencies (`npm2deb depends` is often false):

$ pkgjs-depends vite
# vite@4.4.11
# 13 missing npm module(s)
  esbuild (esbuild)
  node-chokidar (chokidar)
  node-immutable (immutable)
  node-less (less)
  node-postcss (postcss, source-map-js)
  node-pre-gyp (detect-libc)
  node-stylus (stylus)
  node-terser (terser)
  nodejs (@types/node)
  rollup (rollup)

 └── fsevents (2.3.3) # BANNED (not compatible with linux)
 └── lightningcss (1.22.0)
     └── lightningcss-darwin-arm64 (1.22.0)
     └── lightningcss-darwin-x64 (1.22.0)
     └── lightningcss-freebsd-x64 (1.22.0)
     └── lightningcss-linux-arm-gnueabihf (1.22.0)
     └── lightningcss-linux-arm64-gnu (1.22.0)
     └── lightningcss-linux-arm64-musl (1.22.0)
     └── lightningcss-linux-x64-gnu (1.22.0)
     └── lightningcss-linux-x64-musl (1.22.0)
     └── lightningcss-win32-x64-msvc (1.22.0)
 └── sass (1.69.2) # easy to replace by node-sass
 └── sugarss (4.0.1)

The "lignthningcss-*" are prebuilt objects, lightningcss should build only required package

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