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Bug#963901: ITA: glm -- C++ library for OpenGL GLSL type-based mathematics

Hi Andrea,

thanks for taking care of this package! Really appreciate it.

Please, follow an advices given by Pierre and we will upload
the package, giving you permissions to upload it in the future.

It could also be good if you add salsa-CI to be sure that the package
is building aod passing all tests. It is also an additional tests for you,

Best regards


Am Fr., 2. Sept. 2022 um 22:13 Uhr schrieb Andrea Pappacoda <andrea@pappacoda.it>:
Hi everyone!

I've been wanting to adopt the glm package, maintained by the Science
Team, since last September.

I'm a DM, so I can't directly take ownership of the package nor push to
Salsa. Could somebody please look at my changes, give me write access
to the repo and possibly sponsor the first upload? You can find my
changes here:

I've already asked this on IRC, and joostvb, while approving my changes
in general, said that it would've been better to ask this on the
mailing list.

Thanks in advance :)

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