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Bug#808940: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/27378#issuecomment-1251244275


Core of this Debian bug tracking system update
is https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/27378#issuecomment-1251244275

----- Forwarded message from Martin Atkins <notifications@github.com> -----

Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2022 09:20:23 -0700
From: Martin Atkins <notifications@github.com>
To: hashicorp/terraform <terraform@noreply.github.com>
Cc: Geert Stappers <stappers@stappers.it>, Comment <comment@noreply.github.com>
Subject: Re: [hashicorp/terraform] Publish arm64 Terraform packages in the HashiCorp "apt" repository (Debian/Ubuntu packages) (#27378)

It seems that this Debian RFP originally started in 2015 while Terraform
v0.6 was the current version, and consequently it got bogged down in
the fact that Terraform v0.6 still had all of the HashiCorp-distributed
providers directly in the main distribution and therefore the package
would need to depend on the union of all dependencies of all of the

Thankfully that hasn't been true since Terraform v0.10, and
also with Terraform v1.0 establishing [the v1.x compatibility
the rate of change to Terraform is slower now and so probably a more
appropriate speed for Debian's process such that the version available
in Debian Stable is likely to remain useful for longer than Terraform
v0.6 would've.

With all of that said: we unfortunately don't have the resources to
participate directly in the packaging processes for Debian and other
distributions. While we certainly would not object to Terraform being
packaged in Debian (nor should we!), I think it would be necessary for
someone in the Debian developer community to manage that particular
packaging. In particular, I don't think our methodology for building
APT packages would be acceptable for the main Debian repository: we take
literally the `terraform` executable from the official `.zip` packages and
copy it into a Debian binary package, whereas the main Debian repository
must always be buildable from source code. That is technically possible
to do but not how our own in-house packaging processes are built.

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Message ID: <hashicorp/terraform/issues/27378/1251244275@github.com>

----- End forwarded message -----

I triggered that response
with https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/27378#issuecomment-1251224003
which boils down to "cross reference link to Debian BTS issue,
have Terraform in Debian means have it available for release

Silence is hard to parse

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