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Bug#1010256: Let go

Summary: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1010256#41

On Sun, May 01, 2022 at 09:09:12PM -0400, James McCoy wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 04:07:43PM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > 
> > Please in future consider filing ITPs to avoid such situations.
> The Rust team files ITPs for binary crates, not the library crates, as
> the binary crates are generally more relevant to the broader Debian
> audience.
> In terms of avoiding duplicate effort, the debcargo-conf repo _is_ that
> mechansim for the Rust team. You're choosing to ignore that and package
> things outside of the team's infrastructure.
> The Rust team isn't unique in using a single repo for all their
> packages.
> It would be appreciated if you worked within the team, so the packages
> can benefit from the same infrastructure, rather than going off in a
> different direction and stepping on existing work.

In addition to "my way is better, no my way is the better one"
here a link to a blog of Ian Jackson  https://diziet.dreamwidth.org/10559.html
That text, that I still don't completely comprehend, is saying
something like "the pieces do not fit".

Thing I'm trying to say:

   Let go, we known that the current tooling isn't perfect.

What I like to see is that several workflows are being explored.
And with the information it brings improve the comfort of the journey we
are making.

Geert Stappers

Note to myself:  Consider there is no fight, so no need to stop a fight.
Silence is hard to parse

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