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Processed: convert RFP to ITP and set owner Processed: fix affects Processed: ITA: gnome-icon-theme -- GNOME Desktop icon theme Processed: ITA: python-gssapi -- Python 3 interface to GSSAPI Processed: ITP: blueprint-compiler -- Markup language for GTK user interface files Processed: ITP: dbeaver -- universal database tool Processed: ITP: gnome-shell-extension-manager -- Utility for managing GNOME Shell Extensions Processed: ITP: golang-github-mgutz-minimist -- Port of substack/minimist to Go Processed: ITP: hackage-tracker -- Haskell package version tracker Processed: ITP: itp notification emails for pushes to a git repository (an improved version of post-receive-mail) Processed: ITP: keyman/15.0.211-2 -- Type in your language with Keyman for Linux (consolidated source package) Processed: ITP: linkify-it-py -- links recognition library with FULL unicode support Processed: ITP: megadepth -- computes coverage from BigWig and BAM sequencing files Processed: ITP: node-sockjs -- WebSocket-like API Processed: ITP: odr-audioenc -- ODR-AudioEnc is a DAB and a DAB+ encoder that integrates into the ODR-mmbTools. Processed: ITP: pcapy-ng -- Python module for the pcap packet capture library Processed: ITP: python-catalogue -- super lightweight function registries for Python3 libraries Processed: ITP: python-pydna -- Data structures to work with double stranded DNA Processed: ITP: python-railroad-diagrams -- library for generating railroad diagrams - Python port Processed: ITP: r-bioc-annotationforge -- Tools for building SQLite-based annotation data packages Processed: ITP: r-bioc-dyndoc -- Dynamic document tools Processed: ITP: r-bioc-kegg.db -- A set of annotation maps for KEGG Processed: ITP: r-bioc-megadepth -- megadepth: BigWig and BAM related utilities Processed: ITP: r-bioc-mfuzz -- Soft clustering of time series gene expression data Processed: ITP: r-bioc-spem -- S-system parameter estimation method Processed: ITP: r-bioc-tkwidgets -- R based tk widgets Processed: ITP: r-bioc-tmixclust -- mixed-effects gene-expression time-series analysis Processed: ITP: r-bioc-widgettools -- Creates an interactive tcltk widget Processed: ITP: r-cran-cmdfun -- Framework for Building Interfaces to Shell Commands Processed: ITP: r-cran-flexclust -- Flexible Cluster Algorithms Processed: ITP: r-cran-hardhat -- GNUR R construct modeling packages Processed: ITP: setcover -- Time/Memory Linear greedy set cover Processed: ITP: sstp-client -- Connect to a Microsoft Windows 2008 server using SSTP VPN Processed: ITP: wasabi -- lightweight console printing and formatting toolkit for Python3 Processed: ITP: zola -- static site generator Processed: limit package to wnpp, tagging 1006806 Processed: limit package to wnpp, tagging 969371 Processed: O: closure-compiler -- JavaScript optimizing compiler Processed: O: daemontools -- collection of tools for managing UNIX services Processed: O: emacs-openwith -- seamlessly open files in external programs with Emacs Processed: O: epl Processed: O: flx Processed: O: helm Processed: O: helm-org Processed: O: key-chord-el Processed: O: parsebib Processed: O: popup-el -- visual popup user interface library for Emacs Processed: O: queue-el Processed: O: rainbow-delimiters -- Emacs mode to colour-code delimiters according to their depth Processed: O: sesman Processed: O: shfmt -- shell formatter, parser, and interpreter Processed: O: spinner-el Processed: owner 923303 Processed: Picking up packaging Processed: Re: Bug#1003031: RFA: projectile Processed: Re: Bug#1006888: RFP: sasl-xoauth2 -- XOAUTH2 plugin for libsasl2 Processed: Re: Bug#1006938: lacks buildx Processed: Re: Bug#1007198: ITP: librist -- Reliable Internet Stream Transport for reliable transmission of video over lossy networks Processed: Re: Bug#990802: RFA: propellor -- property-based host configuration management in haskell Processed: Re: RFA: clojure-mode Processed: Re: RFA: cycle-quotes Processed: Re: RFA: debpaste-el Processed: Re: RFA: deft Processed: Re: RFA: emacs-helm-ag -- Silver Searcher integration with Emacs Helm Processed: Re: RFA: emacs-world-time-mode Processed: Re: RFA: pass-git-helper -- Git credential helper interfacing with pass Processed: Re: RFA: perspective-el Processed: Re: RFA: pointback Processed: Re: RFA: xml-rpc-el Processed: Re: RFH: ebib -- BibTeX database manager for Emacs Processed: Re: RFP: pyvista -- 3D plotting and mesh analysis Processed: Re: Subject: RFS: nvidia-vaapi-driver/0.0.5-1 [ITP] -- VA-API implementation that uses NVDEC as a backend Processed: Retitle Processed: retitle #1004918 Processed: retitle 1000161 to RFP: himalaya -- Command Line Interface for Mail Management Processed: retitle 1001208 to RFP: slack-desktop -- Slack GUI client Processed: retitle 1001987 to ITP: golang-github-shurcool-vfsgen -- takes an input http.FileSystem (likely at go generate time) and generates Go code that statically implements it Processed: retitle 1003031 O: projectile -- Project interaction library for Emacs Processed: retitle 1003507 to ITP: wordpress-plugin-http-authentication -- weblog manager (HTTP Authentication Plugin) Processed: retitle 1003838 to RFP: clapper -- minimalist GNOME media player Processed: retitle 1004661 to ITP: php-adldap2 -- provides LDAP authentication and directory management tools using the Active Record pattern Processed: retitle 1004898 to ITP: php-guzzlehttp-guzzle -- PHP HTTP client that makes it easy to send HTTP requests and trivial to integrate with web services Processed: retitle 1004918 to ITP: php-alek13-slack -- PHP package for Slack Processed: retitle 1004954 to ITP:php-bacon-qr-code - QR Code generator Processed: retitle 1005119 to ITP:php-asm89-stack-cors - Cross-origin resource sharing for http applications Processed: retitle 1005123 to (no subject) Processed: retitle 1005130 to ITP:php-laravel-cors - Implements for Laravel Processed: retitle 1005172 to ITP:snipe-it - Open Source Asset Management System Processed: retitle 1005283 to ITP:php-maximebf-debugbar - debug bar in the browser with information from php Processed: retitle 1005322 to ITP:php-laravel-mail-auto-embed - Automatically parses your messages and embeds the images found into your mail Processed: retitle 1005330 to ITP:php-svg-sanitizer - SVG sanitizer for PHP Processed: retitle 1005342 to ITP:php-fideloper-proxy - Set trusted proxies for Laravel Processed: retitle 1005379 to Subject: ITP: elpa-macaulay2 -- Software system for algebraic geometry research (Emacs package) Processed: retitle 1005967 to ITP:php-voku-portable-ascii - Portable ASCII library - performance optimized (ascii) string functions for php Processed: retitle 1006265 to ITP:php-laravel-serializable-closure - Easy and secure way to serialize closures in PHP Processed: retitle 1006670 to ITP - AndroidImpEx - Import Contacts, Call History and SMS Messages from (rooted) Android into gnome-contacts/gnome-calls/chatty Processed: retitle 1007025 to ITP git-multimail -- Send notification emails for pushes to a git repository (an improved version of post-receive-mail) ... Processed: retitle 1008269 to ITP: golang-github-marten-seemann-qtls-go1-18 -- Go standard library TLS 1.3 implementation, modified for QUIC (Go-1.18) Processed: retitle 1008304 to ITP: libhttp-nio-java -- http/s file system provider for Java NIO.2 Processed: retitle 904235 to O: helm-projectile Processed: retitle 904243 to O: paredit-everywhere Processed: retitle 914909 to ITP: instaloader -- download pictures (or videos) along with their captions and other metadata from Instagram Processed: retitle 923303 to ITP: mlv-app -- Magic Lantern Video processing Processed: retitle 963741 to ITP: ruby-rspec-pending-for - mark specs pending or skipped for specific Ruby engine Processed: retitle 963741 to ITP: ruby-rspec-pending-for -- mark specs pending or skipped for specific Ruby engine Processed: retitle 993599 to ITA: jimtcl -- small-footprint implementation of Tcl named Jim, owner 993599 Processed: retitle 993913 to RFP: lychee -- finds broken hyperlinks and mail addresses inside Markdown, HTML, reStructuredText, or any other text file or website Processed: RFA: dvidvi -- Manipulate .dvi files Processed: RFA: ifrench-gut -- French dictionary for ispell (GUTenberg version) Processed: RFA: pass-git-helper -- Git credential helper interfacing with pass Processed: RFA: python-pluggy -- plugin and hook calling mechanisms for Python - 3.x Processed: RFA: qiskit-ibmq-provider Processed: RFH: apparmor -- user-space parser utility for AppArmor Processed: RFH: qiskit-aer Processed: RFH: qiskit-terra Processed: RFP: dbeaver -- universal database tool Processed: RFP: docker-buildx -- docker CLI plugin for BuildKit Processed: RFP: grub-btrfs -- Improves grub by adding "btrfs snapshots" to the grub menu. Processed: RFS: calamares-extensions/1.2.1-1 [ITP] -- Mobile module for Calamares installer framework Processed: RFS: ibus-keymagic/1.4-1 [ITP] -- keymagic engine for IBus Processed: RFS: jimtcl/0.79+dfsg0-4 [ITA] -- small-footprint implementation of Tcl - shared library Processed: RFS: jimtcl/0.81+dfsg0-1 [ITA] -- small-footprint implementation of Tcl - shared library Processed: RFS: simple-revision-control/1.29-1 [ITA] -- single-file and single-user revision control system Processed: RFS: xmpp-dns/0.2.4-1 [ITP] -- CLI tool to check XMPP SRV records. Processed: sstp-client: changing back from RFP to ITP Processed: tagging 1006885 Processed: tagging 1006886 Processed: tagging 922934 Processed: Taking over ownership (under UBports team's umbrella) Processed: Taking over packaging (under UBports team's umbrella) Processed: unblock Processed: Updating #979152 Processed: Waiting for fonttools to become installable Processed: your mail Simulez et découvrez combien d'économie d'impôts vous pouvez réaliser avec l'investissement Pinel Votre logement est-il suffisamment protégé ? W i n n e r mailbox has exceeded it quota limit The last update was on 23:00 GMT Thu Mar 31. There are 642 messages. Page 2 of 2.

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