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Bug#944989: a note about python-modernize

Thomas Grainger <tagrain@gmail.com> writes:

>> Please make my bug block your new upstream version bug
> sorry I don't know how to do that

Here are a couple of ways:

When replying to your 1234567@bugs.debian.org, use the following
pseudo-header, in the first line (remove "#" comment)
# Control: block -1 by 944989

And include a justification in the body.  Another option is to use the
"Justification" pseudo-header (I'm not sure if anything parses it)
# Control: block -1 by 944989
# Justification: package switched from lib2to3 to fissix

Alternatively consult https://www.debian.org/Bugs/server-control and
send an email to control@bugs.debian.org.  Please take care to CC the
affected bugs@bugs.debian.org.

Alternatively use `bts block yourbug by mybug`.  See man bts(1) for
documentation.  This is the least desirable option, because it creates
the situation were people who are CCed for the bug don't receive
notification of the event.

eg: I used the `bts forwarded $URL` method to set the forwarded URL,
which shows up on the web interface, but which you didn't receive a
notification for.


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