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Bug#964905: RFP: goatcounter -- easy, meaningful privacy-friendly web analytics

Note that Goatcounter should *not* be shipped in Debian stable,
according to the author:


Also, the author recommends using the zgo.at URLs instead of github.com


Unfortunately, that still fails:

anarcat@emma:dist(master)$ dh-make-golang estimate zgo.at/goatcounter
go get: 175.92 MiBpackage zgo.at/goatcounter/cmd/check
	imports honnef.co/go/tools/code: cannot find package "honnef.co/go/tools/code" in any of:
	/usr/lib/go-1.11/src/honnef.co/go/tools/code (from $GOROOT)
	/tmp/dh-make-golang182190041/src/honnef.co/go/tools/code (from $GOPATH)
package zgo.at/goatcounter/cmd/check
	imports honnef.co/go/tools/facts: cannot find package "honnef.co/go/tools/facts" in any of:
	/usr/lib/go-1.11/src/honnef.co/go/tools/facts (from $GOROOT)
	/tmp/dh-make-golang182190041/src/honnef.co/go/tools/facts (from $GOPATH)
go get: 215.50 MiBpackage zgo.at/goatcounter/cmd/goatcounter
	imports arp242.net/sconfig/handlers/html/template: unrecognized import path "arp242.net/sconfig/handlers/html/template" (parse https://arp242.net/sconfig/handlers/html/template?go-get=1: no go-import meta tags ())
2020/07/17 13:15:26 exit status 1

The "make" part works a little better, fortunately:

$ dh-make-golang make -allow_unknown_hoster zgo.at/goatcounter
2020/07/17 13:21:35 WARNING: Using "zgo" as canonical hostname for "zgo.at". If that is not okay, please file a bug against dh-make-golang.
2020/07/17 13:21:35 Downloading "zgo.at/goatcounter/..."
2020/07/17 13:21:47 Determining upstream version number
2020/07/17 13:21:47 Package version is "1.3.0+git20200713.d975069"
2020/07/17 13:21:47 Determining dependencies
2020/07/17 13:21:55 Assuming you are packaging a program (because "zgo.at/goatcounter/cmd/check" defines a main package), use -type to override
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "zgo.at/tz" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "zgo.at/json" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "zgo.at/gadget" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "zgo.at/zhttp" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "zgo.at/isbot" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "zgo.at/zdb" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "github.com/go-chi/chi" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "github.com/zgoat/kommentaar" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "zgo.at/ztest" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "zgo.at/guru" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "code.soquee.net/otp" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "zgo.at/blackmail" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "zgo.at/zli" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "github.com/teamwork/reload" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "honnef.co/go/tools" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "github.com/monoculum/formam" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "github.com/arp242/geoip2-golang" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "zgo.at/zstd" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "zgo.at/zlog" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "zgo.at/zstripe" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "zgo.at/errors" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Build-Dependency "zgo.at/zvalidate" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Could not determine description for "zgo.at/goatcounter": GET https://api.github.com/repos/zgoat/goatcounter.git: 404 Not Found []
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Could not determine license for "zgo.at/goatcounter": GET https://api.github.com/repos/zgoat/goatcounter.git/license: 404 Not Found []
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Could not determine copyright for "zgo.at/goatcounter": GET https://api.github.com/repos/zgoat/goatcounter.git: 404 Not Found []
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Could not determine license for "zgo.at/goatcounter": GET https://api.github.com/repos/zgoat/goatcounter.git/license: 404 Not Found []
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Could not determine author for "zgo.at/goatcounter": GET https://api.github.com/repos/zgoat/goatcounter.git: 404 Not Found []
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Could not determine description for "zgo.at/goatcounter": GET https://api.github.com/repos/zgoat/goatcounter.git: 404 Not Found []
2020/07/17 13:22:00 
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Packaging successfully created in /home/anarcat/dist/t/goatcounter
2020/07/17 13:22:00 
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Resolve all TODOs in itp-goatcounter.txt, then email it out:
2020/07/17 13:22:00     sendmail -t < itp-goatcounter.txt
2020/07/17 13:22:00 
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Resolve all the TODOs in debian/, find them using:
2020/07/17 13:22:00     grep -r TODO debian
2020/07/17 13:22:00 
2020/07/17 13:22:00 To build the package, commit the packaging and use gbp buildpackage:
2020/07/17 13:22:00     git add debian && git commit -a -m 'Initial packaging'
2020/07/17 13:22:00     gbp buildpackage --git-pbuilder
2020/07/17 13:22:00 
2020/07/17 13:22:00 To create the packaging git repository on salsa, use:
2020/07/17 13:22:00     dh-make-golang create-salsa-project goatcounter
2020/07/17 13:22:00 
2020/07/17 13:22:00 Once you are happy with your packaging, push it to salsa using:
2020/07/17 13:22:00     git remote set-url origin git@salsa.debian.org:go-team/packages/goatcounter.git
2020/07/17 13:22:00     gbp push

It also happens to provide a nice list of missing packages which, in a
more digestable form, looks like this:

 * code.soquee.net/otp
 * github.com/go-chi/chi
 * github.com/monoculum/formam
 * github.com/teamwork/reload
 * github.com/zgoat/kommentaar
 * honnef.co/go/tools

Note that zgoat/kommentaar is a fork of teamwork/kommentaar, something
to keep in mind.

This one is a fork of an existing package in Debian,
golang-github-oschwald-geoip2-golang-dev, we'd need to investigate if
that can be resolved:

 * github.com/arp242/geoip2-golang

The other dependencies are generally sane and could be packaged for Debian.

And those are zgoat-specific libraries, which we could just vendor for
the time being.

 * zgo.at/blackmail
 * zgo.at/errors
 * zgo.at/gadget
 * zgo.at/guru
 * zgo.at/isbot
 * zgo.at/json
 * zgo.at/tz
 * zgo.at/zdb
 * zgo.at/zhttp
 * zgo.at/zli
 * zgo.at/zlog
 * zgo.at/zstd
 * zgo.at/zstripe
 * zgo.at/ztest
 * zgo.at/zvalidate

Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.
                        - Winston Smith, 1984

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