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Bug#956836: Update: Bitwarden is a dependency headache

I figure I ought to post an update here.  It's not looking good.

There is a very nifty tool for repackaging node.js packages for Debian
(shockingly called npm2deb), however, it assumes upstream uploaded
their package to the npm registry.  The bitwarden upstream did not, as
it is a GUI application, and so they didn't know they even could.  They
did not want to, however.

I then patched npm2deb to handle packages that were only available as
tarballs (which I was quite proud of).  Though those changes have not
yet been merged in, they worked just fine-which was when I ran into the

Bitwarden has a long chain of dependencies, as it is an application
built on Angular.js and Electron.js.  npm2deb gave a list of 28
separate packages.  Although they are all node packages, and I am sure
npm2deb is up to the task, I am not sure if I could, or should, add
them all.  I pasted the relevant section of npm2deb output bellow.  

If someone could aid me in packaging and maintaining the dependent
packages, I'd be much more confident in continuing.  But I don't want
to wait for my 29th package to get one that I actually use.

(Obviously, many of these may be prepackaged, and just not be known to
npm2deb by their Debian name.  But there is a mechanism that attempts
to solve that (with a list that converts between them), and I assume it
is somewhat up-to-date.  Additionally, I did manually attempt to find
them with apt, and failed.)

[error]   @angular/animations: dependency node-@angular/animations not
in debian
 [error]   @angular/cdk: dependency node-@angular/cdk not in debian
 [error]   @angular/common: dependency node-@angular/common not in
 [error]   @angular/compiler: dependency node-@angular/compiler not in
 [error]   @angular/core: dependency node-@angular/core not in debian
 [error]   @angular/forms: dependency node-@angular/forms not in debian
 [error]   @angular/platform-browser: dependency node-@angular/platform
-browser not in debian
 [error]   @angular/platform-browser-dynamic: dependency node-@angular/
platform-browser-dynamic not in debian
 [error]   @angular/router: dependency node-@angular/router not in
 [error]   @angular/upgrade: dependency node-@angular/upgrade not in
 [error]   @microsoft/signalr: dependency node-@microsoft/signalr not
in debian
 [error]   @microsoft/signalr-protocol-msgpack: dependency 
node-@microsoft/signalr-protocol-msgpack not in debian
 [error]   @nodert-win10-rs4/windows.security.credentials.ui:
dependency node-@nodert-win10-rs4/windows.security.credentials.ui not
in debian
 [error]   angular2-toaster: dependency node-angular2-toaster not in
 [error]   angulartics2: dependency node-angulartics2 not in debian
 [error]   big-integer: dependency node-big-integer not in debian
 [error]   desktop-idle: dependency node-desktop-idle not in debian
 [error]   duo_web_sdk: dependency node-duo_web_sdk not in debian
 [error]   electron-log: dependency node-electron-log not in debian
 [error]   electron-store: dependency node-electron-store not in debian
 [error]   electron-updater: dependency node-electron-updater not in
 [error]   keytar: dependency node-keytar not in debian
 [error]   nord: dependency node-nord not in debian
 [error]   papaparse: dependency node-papaparse not in debian
 [error]   rxjs: dependency node-rxjs not in debian
 [error]   sweetalert2: dependency node-sweetalert2 not in debian
 [error]   zone.js: dependency node-zone.js not in debian
 [error]   zxcvbn: dependency node-zxcvbn not in debian

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