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Bug#760485: Jitsi meet packaging

* Damian Minkov: " Re: Jitsi meet packaging" (Sun, 27 Sep 2020 09:41:31 -0500):

Hi Damian,

> Thanks for the interest in the project. There are a few concerns I have,
> first is that we do not have the resources to maintain this.
> The second one is that the project sometimes follows the pace of the
> browsers to do new releases. Which means a new version every 6 weeks. We
> had two or three occasions in the last few years where everyone needs to
> update due to a breaking change in the browsers, like a mandatory field
> being added in SDP, or the old bridge not supporting the new DTLS version.
> And because of the pace of how things evolve, we do not support old release
> doing backports. This means that if a package goes in stable it may happen
> to soon be unusable.
> And sometimes backporting a change is even not possible :) Like the DTLS
> change, the update was moving of using a complete re-write of the bridge
> ... new dependencies and totally new project ...
> And if someone chooses the path of doing the job we are talking about
> 150-200 dependent libraries, I'm not sure how many of those are already in
> Debian, I would guess not much ... This was the main problem when we did
> the Jitsi Desktop submission to the Debian repos, It took us, one
> person, fulltime for almost six months.

Thanks a lot to give some precious insights in the packaging effort, it is a
good thing to have it documented on this bug. It seems really to be a difficult
task to provide a stable version with changing browser compatibility.



    Mathias Behrle
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