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Bug#950198: Fixing build with jami_20191214.1.07edb5e

Hello Alexandre, all,

I recently joined the Jami team at SFL, and I'm also the newly-appointed
GNU (co)maintainer for Jami.  I would like to help improve the situation
with the Jami package in the official Debian repositories however I can.
I think the first step would be getting more recent versions of the Jami
Debian package to build.

I opened a number of merge requests against Debian's package sources for
OpenDHT and Jami, including changes with which I've been able to build
the WIP update to the jami_20191214.1.07edb5e version.  The merge
requests are as follows:

- New upstream version 2.1.6:
- pristine-tar data for opendht_2.1.6.orig.tar.gz:
- Update to new upstream version 2.1.6, along with tweaks useful for
  building newer versions of jami:

- Fix build with jami_20191214.1.07edb5e:

In essence, I pulled the latest version of OpenDHT into the Debian
source repo for it, and tweaked the CONFIGURE_FLAGS and the Libs link
flags in pkgconfig-static.patch to make the package useful for linking
and building newer Jami against.  On the Jami side, I updated the file
name for the jami-gnome manpage, and also changed some (non-existent)
'distclean' instances to 'clean' so that the build wouldn't fail with a
non-clean tree.

I'd appreciate it if y'all would take my changes for a spin and see if
you're able to build jami_20191214.1.07edb5e with them.  If yes, and if
everyone's happy with the changes and they're merged, next we could try
building the most recent version of Jami and see how that goes.


Amin Bandali
Free Software Consultant
Savoir-faire Linux
GNU Jami: bandali

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