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Bug#950988: Response on your feedback

Hi Jordan and Thomas,

thank you for your kind advise. I updated the package with all the proposed requests.

> Do you plan to try to maintain the package going forward? (Watch for

> new upstream releases, work on bugs, etc?)

Yes, I want to further maintain this package.

Do you have plans to manage the package files in git, perhaps on
salsa.debian.net? I'm not sure if it is allowed to start using salsa
for a project before it makes it into debian. The salsa FAQ is vague
on this point:

> https://wiki.debian.org/Salsa/FAQ#What_can_be_hosted_on_salsa

But I think it is often allowed. I know of at least 2 cases where a
repo was created for a package before it got included into Debian. I
expect some basic review of the package is probably good first, and
perhaps this email can serve for that.

If not salsa.debian.net, you could still host it in a github repo and
include the links to it in the control file. (And, that could move to
salsa later too.)

I do want to manage the package on salsa.debian.org. It would be nice, if you could create a repository and give me upload rights to it. My username is lmarz.

- Leon

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