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Bug#949155: ITP: tvm -- Deep Learning compiler

On 2020-01-18 04:38 +0000, Mo Zhou wrote:
> There are many deep learning frameworks, where each of them has been
> backed by a certain business group, e.g.
>   (1) TensorFlow -- Google
>   (2) PyTorch -- Facebook
>   (3) MXNet -- Amazon
>   (4) NLTK -- Micro$oft
> There are a bunch of deep learning compilers out there.
> Google/TensorFlow has XLA for similar purpose. Intel has ngraph. etc.
> Such, here comes spontaneously an important question: Is it really
> necessary to package this deep learning software?

Well, we are going to do it anyway in Linaro for ease of testing
purposes. So I might as well put in in Debian so it's easily available
to others at that point. But I take the point that this may not
succeed in the ecosystem over time.

> > This is part of the growing stack of AI software.
> Over-grown. Yet-another wheel, maybe.

Heh. Yeah I am coming to understand that this is complicated area,
currently in flux, with lots of pieces and competing software.
> > If anyone else is interested in helping with this package that would
> > be great because I know very little about AI.
> I can provide comments and suggestions if you need.
> There are some WIP work for the mentioned software stack under the deep
> learning team on salsa
> https://salsa.debian.org/deeplearning-team

OK. Thanks for the feedback.

> > I'm mostly interested
> > because this piece is the next step up above low-level support like
> > openCL, arm compute library and armNN (neural network accelerator
> > support), which I am also working on/helping with.
> Speaking of OpenCL, you may be interested in SYCL. A higher-level
> OpenCL. Not only Xilinx[1], but intel[2] also gets interested in SYCL,
> as SYCL seems to be able to handle many kinds of hardware accelerators
> such as FPGA, GPU(integrated), GPU(discrete). SYCL might become useful
> in the future.

Hmm, yet another option/piece. I think we made have made all this rather complicated!

> Getting SYCL into Debian may require cooperation with the LLVM team,
> the OpenCL team, ROCm team, Nvidia team, and the Arm people, [3]
> because alternatives mechanism is possibly needed there.
> [1] https://github.com/triSYCL/triSYCL
> [2] https://github.com/intel/llvm/tree/sycl
> [3] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/illuhad/hipSYCL/master/doc/img/sycl-targets.png
> > I do have access to
> > people with clue in linaro, where this packaging will be initially
> > tested, but in the longer term people actually using AI tools in
> > debian would be best place to look after this.
> I packaged a commonly used toy/benchmark dataset for sanity testing purpose:
> https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/dataset-fashion-mnist
> And you can write an autopkgtest script to do classification on this
> dataset. (This dataset is fully Expat-licensed.)
> A machine learning / deep learning framework that fails to reach > ~70%
> accuracy on the validation dataset is virtually seriously problematic.
> So, as long as the software keeps doing well on this dataset with our CI
> infrastructure, it is less likely to go wrong without being noticed.

Right - that's handy. Cheers.
Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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