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Bug#944039: ITP: docker-systemctl-replacement -- daemonless "systemctl" command to manage services without SystemD

On Sunday, 3 November 2019 8:29:48 PM AEDT Bastian Blank wrote:
> "docker" only shows up in the name of the package.  What is this about?

About upstream name of course. Source name matches upstream project name but 
generated binary package is called "systemctl".

> The name of the referenced software is "systemd", not "SystemD" or
> similar.

Thank you. I've already corrected that in the repository, thanks to lintian.

> Those variants have been usually used to insult, so please don't.

To insult?? That's crazy... Noted.

> I still don't know when I want to install this.

I'm not sure how to express it better. When you run application containers, 
they don't have systemd so to start a service one have to re-implement/
reinvent maintainer provided .service file or init script. 

Often it is not a trivial task and not only it may be difficult to get it 
right but also it is a redundant job. Thanks to "systemctl" replacement it is 
easy to start services exactly as intended (using the original .service file) 
but without systemd.

I've been using this software for 2+ years and I find it immensely helpful.

Best wishes,
 Dmitry Smirnov.


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what
they do not want to hear.
        -- George Orwell

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