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Bug#879741: next steps / request for help with phpmyadmin for debian buster

Hey Guys,

I've seen, you made some progress recently on the phpmyadmin-package on salsa. I've cloned the repository for myself, merged the work from your personal forks and made another update to 4.8.5 (https://salsa.debian.org/blaimi-guest/phpmyadmin).

The package seem to work as in "works on my machine" on my local buster-installation with the packaged dependencies from the phpmyadmin-team on salsa and tcpdf from sid (with a little fix https://salsa.debian.org/phpmyadmin-team/shapefile/merge_requests/1)

I'm familiar with building packages in source-format but not that familiar with the overhead of quilt-format. My phpmyadmin-skills are also very limited and concentrate on using its basic features like manipulating table-contents and im-/export. Coincidentally I know how to work with shapefiles but I have no idea how they are used in phpmyadmin.

Does phpmyadmin have any test plans for integration and/or acceptance-tests to check if its features are still working with the package installation? (I don't care how long processing of this would take, we have trainees :p ) I also do not (yet) know what twig is used for and how to test it.(I've read some thing about formatting columns with currency-values?) BTW: twig is upgraded in master on upstream. Besides the composer.json only some twig-cache-generator is touches which does not exist in 4.8 (https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/commit/1c097a90eb8430a0445886b1849935e0e3e603bf)

So, what I request is some help in the "political" stuff around the debian-packaging, i.e. about the todos on getting phpmyadmin available in sid (and hopefully in buster-backports as soon as it is available), as well as help in testing the package. I should be able to fix stuff in the package as long as I know about its defects.

Is there any way to keep track of the progress in a collaborative way better than sending emails? I'd propose working with issues on salsa.

Best greetings from Karlsruhe and many thanks for the work you all have already done

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