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Bug#887490: Offering my help to be part of team


Thanks for these great pieces of software !

I believe that  creating a team is the way to go and I am glad to offer
my help to be part of it.

I have been told that one of the "Debian ways" to create a team is:
- to do so on https://signup.salsa.debian.org
- add packages to such team repository (must be done by a Debian Developer)
- create a team on https://tracker.debian.org/teams/ to follow packages
- il will create a team+foo@tracker.debian.org that can be used as
Debian Maintainer

(I have just created @fernando-guest account there.)

What can I do to help, now ?

I have been able to create packages:

I have only tested installation on a newly installed Stretch server.

You can find such packages and their sources on http:/deb.probesys.com

To install them on a Debian Stretch installation NOT ON PRODUCTION,
please use following instructions:

1. Add repository GPG key:

2. Add following lines in yours source.list or create a dedicated file:
deb http://deb.probesys.com/debian stretch main
deb-src http://deb.probesys.com/debian stretch main

After package installation, I had to edit RsyncBackupPCPath in BackupPC4
server Web interface to indicate "/usr/bin/rsync_bpc" instead of empty.

Best Regards,

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