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Bug#724718: Dependency status for flexget 2.14.19 (2018-08-26)

Here's another update on the dependency situation for FlexGet.

Things are looking good because upstream FlexGet has been updating the dependency versions for several tricky packages so that shortly even guessit should point to the latest major version.

On the Debian side the only thing missing now is a current version of guessit. That has some complications but once done will clear the way.

FlexGet 2.14.19:
FeedParser       >=5.2.1           python-feedparser   5.2.1   OK
SQLAlchemy       >=1.0.9, <1.999   sqlalchemy          1.2.8   OK
PyYAML           * [1]             pyyaml              3.12    OK
beautifulsoup4   >=4.5             beautifulsoup4      4.6.3   OK
html5lib         >=0.11            html5lib            1.0.1   OK
PyRSS2Gen        *                 python-pyrss2gen    1.1     OK
pynzb            *                 python-pynzb        0.1.0   OK
rpyc             ==3.3.0 [1]       rpyc                4.2.0   OK
jinja2           *                 jinja2              2.10    OK
requests         ~=2.16.3          requests            2.18.4  OK
python-dateutil  >=2.5.3 [2]       python-dateutil     2.7.3   OK
jsonschema       >=2.0             python-jsonschema   2.6.0   OK
path.py          >=8.1.1           path.py             11.0.1  OK
guessit          <=2.1.4 [2]       guessit             0.11.0  #867862
rebulk           ==0.9.0 [2]       python-rebulk       0.9.0   OK
apscheduler      >=3.2.0           apscheduler         3.5.3   OK
terminaltables   >=3.1.0           terminaltables      3.1.0   OK
colorclass       >=2.2.0           colorclass          2.2.0   OK
Web UI dependencies - feature can be disabled for now
cherrypy         >=3.7.0           cherrypy3           8.9.1   OK
flask            >=0.7             flask               1.0.2   OK
flask-restful    >=0.3.3           flask-restful       0.3.6   OK
flask-restplus   ==0.10.1          flask-restplus      --      #850089
flask-compress   >=1.2.1           flask-compress      1.4.0   OK
flask-login      >=0.4.0           flask-login         0.4.1   OK
flask-cors       >=2.1.2           flask-cors          --      #850091
pyparsing        >=2.0.3           pyparsing           2.2.0   OK
zxcvbn-python    *                 python-zxcvbn       4.4.25  OK
future           >=0.15.2          python-future       0.15.2  OK
+ many node.js packages
Dev requirements - maybe not all needed
sphinx           ==1.6.3           sphinx              1.7.8   OK
click            ==6.7             python-click        6.7     OK
mock             ==2.0.0           python-mock         2.0.0   OK
vcrpy            ~=1.11.1          vcr.py              1.11.1  OK
boto3            *                 python-boto3        1.4.2   OK
pytest           >=3.3.0           pytest              3.6.4   OK
pytest-catchlog  >=1.2.2           pytest-catchlog     1.2.2   OK
pytest-xdist     ==1.20.0          pytest-xdist        1.22.2  OK
gitpython        ==2.1.5           python-git          2.1.11  OK
twine            ==1.11.0          twine               1.11.0  OK
subliminal       >= 2.0rc1         subliminal          1.1.1   OUTDATED

[1] https://github.com/Flexget/Flexget/pull/2193
[2] https://github.com/Flexget/Flexget/pull/2197

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