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Processed: retitle to O: xmacro -- Record / Play keystrokes and mouse movements in X displays Processed: retitle to RFP: ajenti -- multilingual web-based server administration panel Processed: retitle to RFP: chez-scheme -- Implementation of the R6RS Scheme language Processed: retitle to RFP: crush -- data reduction and imaging tool for astronomical cameras Processed: retitle to RFP: geronimo-servlet-3.0-spec -- Geronimo API implementation of the Servlet 3.0 spec Processed: retitle to RFP: gly -- Flexible Gregorian notation format compiling to canonical gabc Processed: retitle to RFP: iroffer-dinoex -- IRC file distribution bot Processed: retitle to RFP: lenmus -- music education software to learn music Processed: retitle to RFP: libblendsplitter2 -- BlendSplitter library, version 2 Processed: retitle to RFP: libjs-ace -- standalone code editor for the web Processed: retitle to RFP: libphpcpp -- a C++ library for developing PHP extensions Processed: retitle to RFP: mesos-dns -- DNS-based service discovery for Mesos Processed: retitle to RFP: mihphoto -- Touch-friendly image viewer Processed: retitle to RFP: notepadqq -- A lightweight FOSS editor which Processed: retitle to RFP: openshot-qt -- high quality video editing and animation solutions Processed: retitle to RFP: orangehrm -- Web based software to manage empolyees of a company Processed: retitle to RFP: osquery -- operating system instrumentation framework Processed: retitle to RFP: pfring -- PF_RING is a high-speed packet capture, filtering and analysis framework. Processed: retitle to RFP: pycsco -- Python modules to simplify working with Cisco NX-OS devices Processed: retitle to RFP: python-gnuplotlib -- Gnuplot-based plotter for numpy Processed: retitle to RFP: python-poyo -- lightweight (subset of) YAML parser for Python Processed: retitle to RFP: rdma-utils -- Infiniband Kernel Module Initializer and port config tool Processed: retitle to RFP: scylladb -- distributed database compatible with Apache Cassandra Processed: retitle to RFP: zjump -- Jump to frequent directories matching regex Processed: Retitling for q3c Processed: RFP: dablin -- CLI and GTK GUI DAB & DAB+ receiver client Processed: RFP: empty-epsilon -- EmptyEpsilon is a spaceship bridge simulator game Processed: RFP: node-istanbul -- a JS code coverage tool written in JS Processed: RFP: seriousproton -- C++ game engine coded on top of SFML from scratch Processed: RFS: gcc-7-doc/7.2.0-1 [ITP] Processed: silan: block ITA 815492 by RFS 870632 Processed: tagging 852224 Processed: tagging 866831 Processed: Take it Processed: Taking over package Processed: Taking over packaging for pgsphere Processed: Taking over packaging for q3c Processed: unarchiving 848518, reopening 848518 Processed: xmltoman: block ITA 647716 by RFS 873136 Processed: xssproxy: block ITP 872805 by RFS 873113 Processed: your mail Steel pipe for liquid (OIL,WATEROR or SEWAGE) & GAS transportation Thank you for subscribing Upcoming Programs for Professionals The last update was on 02:11 GMT Sun Jul 07. There are 1057 messages. Page 3 of 3.

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