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Bug#861174: RFP: elpa-elpy -- Emacs Python Development Environment

Hello again!

On 25 April 2017 at 08:45, Antoine Beaupre <anarcat@debian.org> wrote:
> This package makes writing Python code in Emacs so much smoother:
> autocompletion (with company and jedi), cross-reference navigation,
> refactoring, project management, syntax checking (with flymake and flake8),
> inline documentation, test running, profiling... The list goes
> on. There are quite a few dependencies in lisp and regular userspace:
>     https://github.com/jorgenschaefer/elpy#quick-installation
> Note that those Python packages should probably be "Suggests" or
> "Recommends" as they are not all mandatory: I use elpy without
> autopep8 (because I didn't know about it until today :), yapf and
> importmagic (because they are not in Debian) without problems.
> There are surely other IDEs in Emacs that provide similar
> functionality (e.g. CEDET), but I have found elpy to be much lighter
> and better targeted at Python so i don't use any other IDE right
> now. Of course there are other Python IDEs out there as well, but Elpy
> is useful to those, like me, who live in Emacs.
> I'm not sure I have the time to maintain this on my own, so I'd
> welcome some help. I'd be happy to co-maintain if someone steps up or
> just delegate of course.

It looks slick!  I'd be happy to comaintain this one, and to keep an
eye on the lisp--but not the python--dependencies.  If this
disqualifies me I'll leave it as finishing up with preparing
lisp dependencies are ready for the initial packaging.

Are these (from elpy-pkg.el and elpy.el) really all of the external
lisp deps?

1. company "0.9.2"  src:company-mode needs to be updated in experimental
                    (I could do this with a team upload)
2. find-file-in-project  "3.3"   filed an ITP, initial packaging is in git
3. highlight-indentation "0.5.0" done
4. pyvenv                "1.3"   done
5. yasnippet             "0.8.0" done
6. s                    "1.11.0" src:s-el done in experimental
                                 (needed to be elpafied)

Because of 1 and 6, I think elpa-elpy would also need to be uploaded
to experimental until stretch is released.  Assuming this
sooner-rather-than-later option, could you please file a bug against
src:company and ping me if the someone doesn't claim it?  By the way,
what kind of a timeline do you have in mind?


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