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Bug#724718: Dependency packaging for 2.8.15

Just an update to say I've recommenced work on packaging flexget.

I'm looking at upstream 2.8.15, and my quick `apt search`ing has identified the following dependencies issues mentioned in the requirements files:

REQUIREMENT                   DEBIAN PACKAGE              STATUS
Safe>=0.4                                                 MISSING
codacy-coverage>=1.2.18                                   MISSING
colorclass>=2.2.0                                         MISSING
flask-cors>=2.1.2                                         MISSING
flask-restplus==0.8.6                                     MISSING
gitpython                                                 MISSING
rpyc                                                      MISSING
terminaltables>=3.1.0                                     MISSING
vcrpy>=1.7.4                                              MISSING
FeedParser>=5.2.1             python*-feedparser          OUTDATED
cherrypy>=3.7.0               python*-cherrypy3           OUTDATED
subliminal >= 2.0rc1          python*-subliminal          OUTDATED
flask-login>=0.4.0            python-flask-login          PY2-ONLY
pynzb                         python-pynzb                PY2-ONLY

For starters I've been updating python*-cherrypy3 to the latest upstream as a way of getting used to the python modules team workflow. After updating all of the outdated existing packages, I'll work on packaging the missing ones. I'll look for sponsors within the python teams.

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