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Bug#801253: O: wicd -- wired and wireless network manager


what exactly needs to be changed in the package to be uploaded in unstable? Or what is the reason for waiting some time before changing from "UNRELEASED" to "unstable" inside the debian changelog file?

On 01/26/2016 02:24 PM, Axel Beckert wrote:

toogley wrote:
does it bother, when i work at the package within a delay of a week at most?

If it doesn't bother that I work on the package, too.

At least I want to fix the things I broke with the initial 1.7.3
upload. :-)


May i import + upload the next version of wicd (which is 1.7.5, i think)?

Fine for me. I do expect another upstream release anyway, since I told
upstream which of the Debian patches he could import. :-)

Maybe you should subscribe to the two wicd upstream mailing lists (if
you haven't already):


says, the package building has failed,

Oh! Didn't notice so far.

Ah, it only failed in one of two builds, in the one with a non-English
locale. So there may be locale-dependent things in the build system.

because of "dpkg-source: warning: failed to verify signature on ./wicd_1.7.3-3.dsc"

I don't see that line in the log at
(which is the log of the failed build)

That line is from
which didn't fail.

So that's not the reason. This issue is the reason for failed build:

dh_install: wicd-daemon missing files: usr/share/locale/
dh_install: missing files, aborting
debian/rules:8 : la recette pour la cible « binary » a échouée
make: *** [binary] Erreur 255
dpkg-buildpackage: erreur: fakeroot debian/rules binary a produit une erreur de sortie de type 2

		Regards, Axel

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