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Bug#765005: Fwd: Need review - InfluxDB dependencies

Alexandre Viau

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alexandre Viau <alexandre@alexandreviau.net>
Date: Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 2:32 AM
Subject: Need review - InfluxDB dependencies
To: pkg-go-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org, Thomas Goirand <zigo@debian.org>

Hello, pkg-go!

I have been working on packaging InfluxDB dependencies and I am done. I
could successfully compile InfluxDB 0.9.1.

I am now looking for sponsors.

Here is a list of the non-uploaded dependencies for InfluxDB.

[ source package ] | [ITP or version required ]

-> golang-bolt | ITP#781321
-> golang-gopkg-fatih-pool.v2 | ITP#792618
-> golang-github-peterh-liner | ITP#781275
-> golang-github-kimor79-gollectd | ITP#792638
-> golang-github-rakyll-statik | ITP#792634
-> golang-collectd | ITP#792638
-> golang-gogoprotobuf | (0.0~git20140719-2 - UNRELEASED)

-> golang-github-hashicorp-raft-boltdb | ITP#792754
  -> golang-github-hashicorp-raft | ITP#792620
    -> golang-github-armon-go-metrics |  ITP#792628
    -> golang-github-hashicorp-go-msgpack | ITP#792640
      -> golang-gopkg-mgo.v2 | ITP#732684
      -> golang-gopkg-vmihailenco-msgpack.v2 | ITP#792641
        -> golang-github-ugorji-go-msgpack | ITP#792643
        -> golang-github-ugorji-go-codec | ITP#792455

-> github.com/bmizerany/pat | golang-github-bmizerany-pat | ITP#792613
  -> golang-github-bmizerany-assert | ITP#785166

-> golang-github-davecgh-go-spew | ITP#792230

I intend to keep an updated version of this tree on

I you want to sponsor some uploads, just put your name next to the
package name on the whiteboard and send me an e-mail so that we know who
is reviewing what.

All of the packages are available in pk-go on Alioth.

As far as InfluxDB itself goes, I am not done yet but I intend to do
that in the next few days.

Thank you in advance,

Alexandre Viau

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