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Bug#721521: fonts-urw-base35: changing from ITP to RFP

Am Montag, den 01.12.2014, 17:06 +0100 schrieb Fabian Greffrath:
> I am waiting for upstream, i.e. Ghostscript/Artifex, to receive new
> versions of the fonts from their respective upstream, i.e. URW, that
> have all known issues addressed and feature the extended glyph range 
> as previous forks of the fonts.

The current state of affairs is as follows:

- Ghostscript has received a new set of fonts from URW++ and released  
  them to the public on 30 Mar 2015:
- They also released Ghostscript 9.16 which includes this version of 
  the fonts on the same date.

- Unfortunately, URW++ decided to rename some of the font names in a 
  rather arbitrary way. This makes them incomaptible to anything but
  ghostscript itself, which uses its own font name -> file name 
  mapping in /etc/ghostscript/fontmap.d/10gsfonts.conf.
- Fontconfig upstream has been informed about the new font release
  and added the new font names as metric aliases alongside the old
- I am going to wait until this fontconfig version enters Debian and 
  add a Breaks relation for older fontconfig packages.

- Karl Berry and Norbert Preining of TeXLive have been informed about 
  the new font release. On 19 Apr 2015 Karl told me that they will 
  research the situation after the TL115 release with "research" most 
  probably meaning compatibility and regression checking.

So, I am currently waiting for a new fontconfig release and approval of
the fonts by the TeXLive people.



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