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Bug#779498: Initial Debian packaging available for node-decompress-zip

Control: block -1 by 779487 761442 673727 761441 779454

Initial packaging for node-decompress-zip is available in git:


Some of the decompress-zip dependencies still need to be packaged:

NPM                               Debian
decompress-zip (0.1.0)            None (ITP: #779498)
├─ binary (^0.3.0)                None
│  ├─ buffers (~0.1.1)            None
│  └─ chainsaw (~0.1.0)           node-chainsaw (0.1.0-1)
├─ graceful-fs (^3.0.0)           node-graceful-fs (3.0.2-1)
├─ mkpath (^0.1.0)                None
├─ nopt (^3.0.1)                  node-nopt (3.0.1-1)
├─ q (^1.1.2)                     None (ITP: #779487)
├─ readable-stream (^1.1.8)       None (RFP: #761442)
│  ├─ core-util-is (~1.0.0)       None
│  ├─ inherits (~2.0.1)           node-inherits (2.0.1-1)
│  ├─ isarray (0.0.1)             None
│  └─ string_decoder (~0.10.x)    None
└─ touch (0.0.3)                  None
   └─ nopt (~1.0.10)              node-nopt (3.0.1-1)

Build dependencies:
NPM                               Debian
chai (^1.10.0)                    None
glob (^4.3.2)                     node-glob (4.0.5-1)
grunt (^0.4.1)                    None (RFP: #673727)
grunt-cli (^0.1.13)               None
grunt-contrib-jshint (^0.10.0)    None
grunt-contrib-watch (^0.6.1)      None
grunt-exec (^0.4.2)               None
grunt-simple-mocha (^0.4.0)       None
istanbul (^0.3.5)                 None (RFP: #761441)
mocha (^2.1.0)                    node-mocha (1.20.1-1)
request (^2.51.0)                 node-request (2.26.1-1)
tmp (0.0.24)                      None (ITP: #779454)

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