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Bug#730670: status of ITP's

On 03.11.2014 16:43, Johan Van de Wauw wrote:
Hello Andreas,

I noticed you filed ITP's for cartopy, iris and python-netcdf about
one year ago.
In the mean time Angelos Tzotsos has also packaged these for the osgeo
live dvd (1).
These packages seem a nice fit for debian gis, and we can help you
with packaging if you like.


(1) https://launchpad.net/~osgeolive/+archive/ubuntu/nightly/+packages

Hi Johan, thanks for your email! Yes, I did file the ITPs, and I also managed to package the three, if I remember correctly. I kind of lost track of that, because I since switched to using the Anaconda Python distribution ...

However, I do think that Iris/Cartopy is great software which should be included in Debian! I can try to look over my packaging work this week. Is there still any chance of getting it into Debian before the upcoming freeze? If so, I can try to dedicate some work to the packaging this week. If not, my immediate motivation is not so high ...

What would I have to do once I have the packages built on my machine? I know there's a lot of documentation about that on the Debian website, but it's missing a TL;DR ...


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