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Bug#715010: ITP: dhcpy6d - DHCP server for IPv6

Hi Henri,

Daniel Pocock wrote:
> Upstream is Henri, on CC.  His web site is
>    http://dhcpy6d.ifw-dresden.de
> I've offered to help him get the package in shape but we would
> potentially like help from another sponsor

I'm not a python specialist and hence can't give much advice on
python-specific issues, but I'm currently looking at dhcpy6d and
dhcpy6d's .deb package after playing around with ISC DHCPd (4.2.2,
4.2.4 and now 4.3.0) for DHCPv6 over a year or two (but getting more
serious for a few weeks now).

> Benefit to Debian:
> - the ISC DHCPD package doesn't ship with IPv6 init script

Yeah, but that's not a major issue. There's an open bug with attached
patch. You can easily use the init script from that patch. Using that
for one or two years now.

> - the ISC DHCPD package doesn't support MAC-based IPv6 clients, that is
> a major hassle for some people

That's more an issue for me.

> I've tried the package from the upstream web site, it has some easily
> fixed lintian errors and warnings (e.g. a copy of a log file is included
> in the package)

What I noticed:

* Missing man pages

* Daemon needs to be activated at two places (/etc/default/dhcpy6d and
  "really_do_it = yes" in /etc/dhcpy6d.conf) despite one of them
  should be enough.

* If there's a configuration error, I just get this output:

  [FAIL] Starting dhcpy6d DHCPv6 server dhcpy6d: failed!

  There's nothing in any log which points to the reason. Had to figure
  out from the init.d script how the daemon needs to be started to see
  some output.

> Two small problems prevent the daemon starting on wheezy:
> python-dnspython needs to be added to the system (should be a dependency)

There's also an alternative dependency (to python-mysql) missing on
python-sqlite, especially since the shipped default config uses the
SQLite backend (i.e. it should be the primary alternative).

> It fails to find modules from /usr/share/pyshared - adding this code to
> /usr/sbin/dhcpy6d fixes it:
> sys.path[0:0] = ['/usr/share/pyshared']

Sounds like something which should hurt if it would be added upstream
instead of a debian-specific patch in the package.

Some comments on the documentation:

On https://dhcpy6d.ifw-dresden.de/documentation/config/addresses/ it
would be nice to explicitly state if "range = 1000-2000" are hex or
decimal numbers. I suspect hex, but then maybe the example should
better be 1000-1FFF as 2000 usually already is part of the consecutive

Giving out more than one addresses as described on
https://dhcpy6d.ifw-dresden.de/documentation/config/client/ didn't
work for me. The according configuration line in the client config
file was:

address = 2001:67c:10ec:3dd1::127 2001:67c:10ec:3dd1::303 2001:67c:10ec:3dd1::307

>From the log:

2014-03-13 21:54:35,846 dhcpy6d INFO REPLY | TransactionID: ad2847 | Options: [3, 7, 14, 23, 24, 4, 5] | Addresses: 2::::::: 0::::::: 0::::::: 1::::::: :::::::: 6::::::: 7::::::: c::::::: :::::::: 1::::::: 0::::::: e::::::: c::::::: :::::::: 3::::::: d::::::: d::::::: 1::::::: :::::::: :::::::: 1::::::: 2::::::: 7:::::::  ::::::: 2::::::: 0::::::: 0::::::: 1::::::: :::::::: 6::::::: 7::::::: c::::::: :::::::: 1::::::: 0::::::: e::::::: c::::::: :::::::: 3::::::: d::::::: d::::::: 1::::::: :::::::: :::::::: 3::::::: 0::::::: 3:::::::  ::::::: 2::::::: 0::::::: 0::::::: 1::::::: :::::::: 6::::::: 7::::::: c::::::: :::::::: 1::::::: 0::::::: e::::::: c::::::: :::::::: 3::::::: d::::::: d::::::: 1::::::: :::::::: :::::::: 3::::::: 0::::::: 7::::::: fdef:0000:0000:0000:0000:0023:547b:28b1 | Class: default | Hostname: nemo2 

The client (ISC DHCP 4.3.0a1) always argued "message status code
NoAddrsAvail." (Not sure if I missed something else necessary to make
that working, i.e. I'm not sure where the fedf:… address comes from.)

But the addresses in the log above look funny anyway, as if every
single character would be counted as single IPv6 address. %-)

Anyway, dhcpy6d currently works better than ISC DHCPd for me. Not only
because I can use MAC addresses but also because if I change a
statically assigned IP, the client IP changes quite soon while it only
had an effect with the ISC DHCPd if I removed the knowledge about the
previous IP from the client.

So I can imagine to sponsor dhcpy6d in Debian at least for a while.
Haven't looked much at the package yet, though.

P.S.: I'll be at Chemnitzer Linux-Tage the upcoming weekend. We can
meet their in case you're coming, too.

		Regards, Axel
 ,''`.  |  Axel Beckert <abe@debian.org>, http://people.debian.org/~abe/
: :' :  |  Debian Developer, ftp.ch.debian.org Admin
`. `'   |  1024D: F067 EA27 26B9 C3FC 1486  202E C09E 1D89 9593 0EDE
  `-    |  4096R: 2517 B724 C5F6 CA99 5329  6E61 2FF9 CD59 6126 16B5

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