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Bug#770372: RFA: rc -- implementation of the AT&T Plan 9 shell

Sorry for the late reply!

* Jakukyo Friel <weakish@gmail.com>, 2014-12-20, 01:06:

Please review.

Let me see:

+This package provides syntax highlight file for vim, but it is not enabled
+per default. If you want to enable it for your user account just execute

I think it should be "by default", rather than "per default". But I'm not a native speaker of English, so I'm not sure. Maybe you could ask on debian-l10n-english@lists.d.o?

+rc (1.7.2-2.1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload.

You should set yourself as the maintainer in debian/control and make it a proper maintainer upload. :-)

+disabledby: "au BufRead,BufNewFile .rcrc*,rcrc,*.rc setfiletype rcshell"

This is backwards. disabledby should be commands to _prevent_ the add-on from loading.

+au BufRead,BufNewFile .rcrc*,rcrc,*.rc set filetype=rcshell

I don't like it. :-( I have 15 files with the .rc extension in my /etc, but none of them are rc scripts. vim currently correctly recognizes file types for at least some of them, but this line will break it.

Wouldn't it be better if the file type detection was based on the file contents? That is, you could look for shebang, and maybe also for some popular syntax constructs.

Please update debian/copyright with with copyright and license information for the new files.

Jakub Wilk

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