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Bug#673565: ftpsync update?


Anyone working on packaging the ftpmaster's ftpsync set of scripts?

I looked at the git repository[2] which holds the latest version[1] and
it seems the package needs some work. For example there's no debian/
directory at all, and scripts like "ftpsync" itself need to be called
with certain environment variables to run properly.

Those scripts also need a config file which, it seems to me, would be
reasonable to configure with debconf or similar.

Finally, it seems that "ftpsync" isn't really the appropriate name
because, as was mentionned before, that package name is already taken by
a more general GNU utility. Furthermore, much more than the ftpsync
script are packaged in there. There are scripts to:

 * notify mirrors (bin/runmirrors)
 * deploy the scripts themselves (bin/udh, bin/dircombine)
 * a script to sync packages.debian.org (bin/pushpdo)
 * check mirror status (mirrorcheck/*, the dmc seen at

There are also scripts I don't understand what they does:

 * bin/websync - seems similar to ftpsync?
 * bin/typicalsync - seems to just do the rsync, how does that compare
   with ftpsync?

Besides, the git repo is called "archvsync", maybe that could be used
for the package name? Or should those components be split in multiple
parts? Mirrorcheck, for example, maybe should be a completely separate

Otherwise maybe this could be simply called debian-archive-tools?

I'm mostly curious to hear whether the FTP masters are intending to
package this tool, and if they would use the packaged version for their
own needs as well.

Thanks for any feedback,


[1]: https://www.debian.org/mirror/ftpmirror
[2]: git clone https://ftp-master.debian.org/git/archvsync.git

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