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Bug#595817: pam-ssh-agen-auth deb package

hello peter,

> I am planning to try to build a deb file using your git repo, reading
> through your post I have cloned the repository.

the information there is indeed slightly outdated; the new status is:

* all my patches were applied, the chrysn/patches branch went away
* upstream has released a version with that, there is an appropriate
  pristine-tar branch
* the current debian branch works, and i'd take this bug as rfp and
  package as maintainer (which i'd be then try to have sponsored as is)
  if i can get third party comments on the security side of the
in the meantime, to try it out, you can do

$ git clone git://prometheus.amsuess.com/pam-ssh-agent-auth -b debian
$ cd pam-ssh-agent-auth
$ git branch --track pristine-tar origin/pristine-tar
$ git-buildpackage

to build your packages out of it and test it.

best regards

To use raw power is to make yourself infinitely vulnerable to greater powers.
  -- Bene Gesserit axiom

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