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Bug#644767: Update

Sorry for the multiple emails...

Some more progress: I have been able to use upstream's .install file to
deploy a basic tilemill install. I have done my best to merge the two
packages here:


It still fails because it hasn't been ported to bones 2.x:

anarcat@marcos:tilemill*$ sudo   su -s /bin/sh -c 'HOME=/usr/share/mapbox NODEPATH=/usr/lib/nodejs:/usr/share/tilemill /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/share/tilemill/index.js --config=/etc/tilemill/tilemill.config' mapbox
[tilemill] Note: Unknown option "server" in config file.
[tilemill] Note: Unknown option "server" in config file.
[tilemill] Plugin [carto] loaded.
[tilemill] Plugin [editor] loaded.
[tilemill] Plugin [fonts] loaded.
[tilemill] Plugin [templates] loaded.
[tilemill] TypeError: Cannot call method 'error' of undefined
[tilemill]     at server.initialize (/usr/share/tilemill/servers/OAuth.bones:45:10)
[tilemill]     at Server (/usr/lib/nodejs/bones/server/server.js:10:10)
[tilemill]     at new child (/usr/share/javascript/backbone/backbone.js:1392:34)
[tilemill]     at servers.Core.initialize (/usr/share/tilemill/servers/Core.bones:16:14)
[tilemill]     at Server (/usr/lib/nodejs/bones/server/server.js:10:10)
[tilemill]     at new child (/usr/share/javascript/backbone/backbone.js:1392:34)
[tilemill]     at command.initialize (/usr/share/tilemill/commands/core.bones:224:28)
[tilemill]     at null.<anonymous> (/usr/lib/nodejs/bones/server/command.js:8:14)
[tilemill]     at command.bootstrap (/usr/share/tilemill/commands/core.bones:219:5)
[tilemill]     at Command (/usr/lib/nodejs/bones/server/command.js:7:10)
[tilemill] Error: child process: "core" failed with code "8"
[tilemill] Error: child process: "tile" failed with code "143"
[tilemill] Closing child process: core (pid:7988)
[tilemill] Closing child process: tile (pid:7990)
Exiting [tilemill]

A workaround is to ship the older bones release as such:

sudo npm --prefix /usr/share/tilemill/ install bones@1.3.27

Now I was thinking of submitting a bug report upstream to mention this
problem, but it seems that the 1.3.x series is still
maintained. Furthermore, upstream *is* upstream for bones as well!
Besides, the package.json clearly states the dependency, so this problem
is specific to the debian package.. We would need to be able to install
both bones 1.x and 2.x alongside each other to fix this.

Although this is rather all silly because node-bones has no
reverse-dependencies and I suspect it was uploaded only for tilemill in
the first place. So I filed a bug for that, and now I have tilemill sort
of running.

So I noticed or filed a bunch of bugs that are blocking this:

 * 742347: node-jsdom: require("jsdom") does not work in nodejs: missing cssstyle module
 * 743151: node-jsdom: two more missing modules (htmlparser2 and nwmatcher)
 * 685834: NMU under way for modestmaps-js
 * 743148: node-tilelive-mapnik: borken symlink
 * 743152: nodes-bones doesn't ship the version required for tilemill
 * 725362: node-bones: present but uninstallable on architectures lacking nodejs

After all the workarounds mentionned in all those bugreports, I can fire
up the "server", which serves a UI at:


which... doesn't work at all! whee!

anarcat@marcos:tilemill*$ sudo   su -s /bin/sh -c 'HOME=/usr/share/mapbox NODEPATH=/usr/lib/nodejs:/usr/share/tilemill /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/share/tilemill/index.js --config=/etc/tilemill/tilemill.config' mapbox
[tilemill] Note: Unknown option "server" in config file.
[tilemill] Plugin [carto] loaded.
[tilemill] Plugin [editor] loaded.
[tilemill] Plugin [fonts] loaded.
[tilemill] Plugin [templates] loaded.
[tilemill] Started [Server Core:20009].
[tilemill] Note: Unknown option "server" in config file.
[tilemill] Started [Server Tile:20008].
[tilemill] Client Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION' of undefined
[tilemill]     at http://localhost:20009/assets/tilemill/js/vendor.js:15801
[tilemill] Checking for new version of TileMill...
[tilemill] npm
[tilemill] http
[tilemill] GET
[tilemill]  https://registry.npmjs.org/tilemill
[tilemill] Client Error: Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Date] has no method 'format'
[tilemill]     at http://localhost:20009/assets/bones/all.js:6999
[tilemill] npm
[tilemill]  http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/tilemill
[tilemill] Latest version of TileMill is 0.10.1.
[tilemill] Client Error: Uncaught ReferenceError: semver is not defined
[tilemill]     at http://localhost:20009/assets/bones/all.js:2263

The UI somewhat loads, but is unresponsive except the user manuel, which
doesn't render markdown properly.

At this point, I give up: there's something clearly wrong with the
install, but I have no clue where to start fixing this. vendor.js seems
a concatenation of a pile of javascript dung, of which i can't even find
the ondisk copy.

So here we go, progress, but still work to do to make the thing work.


From the age of uniformity, from the age of solitude, from the age of
Big Brother, from the age of doublethink - greetings!
                        - Winston Smith, 1984

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