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Bug#660687: I'd like to help on xml-core package


Am Dienstag, den 25.02.2014, 16:59 +0100 schrieb Joseph Herlant:

> Do you still need help on xml-core?

Yes. It is basically unmaintained atm.

> I'd like to help there. Do you still maintain this package?
> There are only few bugs left, but I don't see what are the bugs that
> need a rewrite of the bug.

It is more or less a similar bug to #477751. Every package update
re-installs all entries to /etc/xml/catalog and /etc/xml/$package.xml.
But this is a policy violation. Changes done to the above files are not
preserved. Further we create and manipulate the system catalog by a
self-written tool. IMO the rewrite must finish in

- shipping the /etc/xml/$package.xml file instead of creating it (so
dh_installxmlcatalogs will simply put a file into etc/xml/)

- and registering it with the system catalog by the nextCatalog entry
instead of putting delegate* entries in the system catalog directly
(this should be done in a way, that is compatible with using the
xmlcatalog tool from libxml)

- if a user decides he wants to unregister a catalog, he can simply
remove the relevant nextCatalog [1] entry in /etc/xml/catalog - and this
change must be preserved during package updates.

[1] https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/entity/spec-2001-08-06.html#s.nextcatalog

> How do you want to proceed? Do you want me to work directly on the svn
> or post patches on BTS that you would integrate to the package?

You can decide yourself. If you want write access, you need to register
an account at http://alioth.debian.org and apply for access to the
debian-xml-sgml project. If you don't want that, you can start by
sending patches. I have uploading rights, so I can sponsor packages
ready for an upload.

Regards, Daniel

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