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Bug#736647: carrotsearch-hppc package available

Hi Hilko,

I reviewed the package quickly, here are my observations:

- I suggest creating the Git repository directly under pkg-java with the
'setup-repository' script. This will configure the post receive hooks
properly to get the push notifications on the mailing list and on IRC.

- We usually don't import the whole upstream commit history into the
repositories. You can simply import the upstream tarball with
'git-import-orig --verbose --merge --pristine-tar foo.tar.gz'

- The main branch is usually named 'master' instead of 'debian'

- It looks like you haven't pushed the tags (upstream/0.5.3 is missing)

- The package build depends on libbackport-util-concurrent-java. This is
an obsolete package that we would like to remove. The classes it
provides are now available in the JDK.

- debian/control has Vcs-* fields related to SVN but the package is
managed by Git.

- The package builds fine and the content looks good.

Emmanuel Bourg

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