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Bug#686447: conflicting package names

> One question that floats over my mind is related to the name of the
> libzfs-dev libzfs1 and zfsutils. On Debian/kFreeBSD there are packages
> the same name. Is allowed to have different source packages building
> packages with the same name when they are different architectures?

Btw doing this *used to* break stuff. I think it was the BTS, testing
migration scripts, or a combination of the two.

In order to avoid this, I recommend that you rename:

zfsutils   - command-line tools to manage ZFS filesystems

As for the other conflicting packages, there is little point in
providing them as separate libraries, as they have no users other than
those provided in zfsutils. I would suggest you merge them into whatever
becomes of zfsutils:

libnvpair1 - Solaris name-value library for Linux
libuutil1  - Solaris userland utility library for Linux
libzfs-dev - Native ZFS filesystem development files for Linux
libzfs1    - Native ZFS filesystem library for Linux
libzpool1  - Native ZFS pool library for Linux

Robert Millan

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