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Bug#673187: Berusky2 for Debian: license clarification

Hi Markus,

I'm glad to hear so!

On 11.8.2013 17:04, Markus Koschany wrote:

I'm packaging version 0.9 of Berusky2 for Debian and I have found four
files namely


whose license headers indicate that these files are not licensed under
GPL-2 or later.


  *   (C) 2001 ATI Research, Inc.  All rights reserved.


The code in this file is subject to the RunicSoft source code licence~
( http://www.runicsoft.com/sourcelicence.txt )

The RunicSoft source code lincense prohibits commercial use of the
software. That would make it non-free.

I would appreciate if you could clarify what license applies to those
files, so that they could be included in Debian.

I'm not sure about the Tga.cpp file, but it's not used (all images are loaded via. SDL_Image). As for the bmp.cpp we've got a personal clarification from an autor so we can use it in a commercial project too. But it does not matter anyway due to the SDL_Image.

So please remove those files or I can do that in next release.

Regarding your data files for Berusky2:

Is there an easy way to extract the data files and to modify them for
normal users like extracting and manipulating the images as png files or
the sounds as ogg files?

Unfortunately not, we keep compatibility with the commercial windows version for now. There's a windows extraction utility for that. Why do you need so? The music is already released as a soundtrack. And we can also publish other data if anyone is interested...

Thanks for your work here! Please let me know when the debian packages are ready, I'll link them from our homepage. And let me know if you have any other issues.


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