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Bug#612341: shlib-calls-exit in lib*jpeg*'s

exit() is called by error_exit() in jerror.c, which is part of the libjpeg source. error_exit() is part of the standard error manager for libjpeg. Applications do not have to use that error manager. The TurboJPEG wrapper, specifically, uses its own custom error manager that will catch errors in the underlying libjpeg API and allow the TurboJPEG API functions to return an error code and set the TurboJPEG error string instead of exiting.

The lintian warning is meant to clue you in to possible unintentional consequences of calling exit() within an API function, but this behavior in libjpeg is intentional and is not default (an application has to specifically request it.) Thus, you can ignore the warning.

On 3/20/13 11:09 AM, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
Dear maintainers,

In the course of packaging of turbojpeg library we ran into a lintian
warning on shlib-calls-exit in the dynamic libraries.  This is not
specific to turbojpeg and I guess is a legacy of libjpeg and many other
libraries: http://lintian.debian.org/tags/shlib-calls-exit.html
where correct resolution would require the API change, thus not
something to be done with a cruel Debian specific patch IMHO.

Could you please share you opinion on this issue, e.g.

a we have previously discussed it [url]
b it could be safely ignored since [xxx]
c we can do nothing about it, thus ignoring the lintian warning

thank you in advance for your feedback/time

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