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Bug#459219: testing fdroidserver

hello android packagers,

due to the recent packaging of fdroidserver (#727716, waiting in NEW), i
tried to get an impression on what can currently be done in debian with
android. as i object to using non-free build systems to build free software, i
used nothing but the pre-built replicant sdk [1] (single zip file)
fdroidserver with its dependencies (and suggests and recommends).

some tuning in android targets is necessary when using the
fully-automated fdroid apk build system, but apart from that, things
seem to work. so my point / impression is:

* there is an sdk that can build at least some android applications and
  is free software.
* one of the things that makes android packaging difficult is the whole
  installer / download dance that has to be done due to nonfree licenses

therefore, to the list of software this collective rfp describes, i'd
add the replicant sdk, for it can be built and installed like we are
used to.[2]

when the android sdk is then completely packaged as an installer (or
gets released under a free license again), they can coexist by providing
a common android-sdk package name / using alternatives.

best regards

[1] http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/replicant/sdk/replicant-4.0/0001/sdk/replicant-sdk_linux-x86.zip
[2] more or less; it's definitely not a `./configure && make && make
    install`, but at least it's documented at [3]
[3] http://redmine.replicant.us/projects/replicant/wiki/SDKBuild

To use raw power is to make yourself infinitely vulnerable to greater powers.
  -- Bene Gesserit axiom

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