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Bug#703452: Near Future

On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 8:10 PM, Jonas Genannt <jonas.genannt@capi2name.de> wrote:
yes, but that's the problem with the licensing? - Can you describe it? Or point me to the
source file with the license problem.


Here is a mail I sent few weeks ago:

On 24 Mar 2013, cyril.bouthors@isvtec.com wrote:

> On 23 Mar 2013, n.favrefelix@gmail.com wrote:
>> Thanks for your efforts and packaging suggestion!
> No problem, we needed phpredis for one of our PHP clusters and Predis failed big
> time consuming +400% CPU.
>> I am not sure how the license could be a problem, most PHP extensions are
>> released under the PHP license, at least in part.
> The only thing I could say is that the package has been rejected by the Debian
> 'FTP Master' team which approves or rejects packages, here is their explanation:
> ################
> From: Ansgar Burchardt <ftpmaster@debian.org>
> Subject: php5-redis_2013-03-19-git_amd64.changes REJECTED
> To: Cyril Bouthors <cyb@debian.org>, Cyril Bouthors <cyril@bouthors.org>
> Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2013 00:00:15 +0000 (4 days, 17 hours, 47 minutes ago)
> Hi,
> you did not include the actual license text. In addition the PHP License is not
> useful for anything except the PHP interpreter, see the "PHP License" entry in
> the REJECT FAQ[1].
> Ansgar
> ===
> Please feel free to respond to this email if you don't understand why
> your files were rejected, or if you upload new files which address our
> concerns.
> ################
> I read the URL they gave and it clearly explains why it can't be accepted in the
> official release.
> Did you have a look at that URL?
> Regards,

And the reply I got recently:

From: Nicolas Favre-Félix <n.favrefelix@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: phpredis Debian package
To: Cyril Bouthors <cyril.bouthors@isvtec.com>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 22:43:40 +0100 (3 weeks, 5 days, 20 hours ago)

Hi Cyril,

Very sorry about the silence, I was convinced I had replied already.

I did have a look at your link and indeed I'm not sure why there are many
PHP-licensed packages there if they're not accepting them (cf. list above). I have
since then packaged phpredis on PECL: http://pecl.php.net/package/redis and
releases will be published there, as is already the case for most popular

To be honest changing the license and contacting all the contributors would be a
real pain and not something I'm looking forward to, especially considering the many
install options already available to users (compiled, packaged by others such as
Dotdeb, installed through PECL...)

Do you know how the packages above (php5-memcached, php5-xdebug,
php-apcphp5-suhosin) made it to Debian if the license is such a big issue?




Can you handle this licencing issue?

That would be appreciated because I don't have time for this before 1 month.

If so, we could co-maintain this package. Technically, the package is ready and has already been uploaded once but rejected for licencing issues.

Cyril Bouthors - ISVTEC: Web Platform Managed Services and Scalability
14 avenue de l'Opéra, 75001 Paris. 1 rue Émile Zola, 69002 Lyon
Tél : 01 84 16 16 17 - Ligne directe : 0x7B9EE3B0E - Fax : 01 77 72 57 24

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