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Bug#684481: TurnServer debian packaging problems

Linker error suggests adding -fPIC


  makes the error go away


Binary installed to usr/bin - should be installed to
usr/sbin/turnserver, e.g. update src/Makefile.am

bin_PROGRAMS = test_turn_client test_echo_server
sbin_PROGRAMS = turnserver


INSTALL file encourages people to run `autoreconf -i' - this is a bad
idea.  Only developers building from SVN should run that.  People using
the tarball should NOT need to run autoreconf unless they are modifying
any of the Makefiles


When running git-buildpackage, it complains about certain files deleted
in the source tree:

#	deleted:    autom4te.cache/output.0
#	deleted:    autom4te.cache/output.1
#	deleted:    autom4te.cache/requests
#	deleted:    autom4te.cache/traces.0
#	deleted:    autom4te.cache/traces.1

and refuses to proceed.  Maybe these files should not be in the upstream


Upstream release is v0.6, maybe it should use the more conventional 0.6.1?

In fact, it has been released 2012-02-24, over 1000 downloads, is it now
stable enough for a 1.0.0 release?

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